Nancy wonderwaitress struggles with chemistry. She needs to buy a swell present for Ada's birthday.
Donna pursued Michael begging him to be reasonable. He started packing in a rage.
As soon as the boat was ready Kathleen rushed to it.
Cecile and Gloria took the fruit in to Cass. The effects are supposedly euphoria followed by raging lust.
MJ and Adam raced after Kathleen.
Cecile woke Cass. He opened one eye and said "Are you real?" She said she was. He said he'd hoped she was a nightmare. She called him a grump. They tried to coax fruit into him. He said he wanted ham and eggs in the McKinnon kitchen. He sulked. Cecile said she wouldn't force him. The King called. Cecile rushed to speak to him. Cass said nothing she could do would change his mind.
The Bay City PD and Kathleen set out in their boat.
Donna pled for another chance. Michael said he needed to be able to trust people. She pled with him, accusing him of having taken Marley from her. He denied it. She told him Victoria needed both of them. He fell silent. She pressed her advantage. Catlin rang. He's on his way over with more information. Nancy tried to help Jake look for something. Nancy: so, Jake, Is it true that they're going to press charges against you because of the fight? Jake: not if I pay for all the furniture that was broken. Nancy: that sounds fair. Hey, what you're looking for, is it bigger than a bread box? Jake: it is a bread box. (Somehow I doubt it.) Why don't you just go bus tables or help somebody and leave me alone, OK? She said she'd hoped he'd forgive her about Marley but she wouldn't let him stomp all over her because she felt guilty. He said he just wanted her to stay away. She pointed out that he'd had a chance to plead his case in Chicago and Marley had stomped all over him regardless.
Cecile said the King said they had to succeed today. She said they had to get Cass upset so he'd eat. She went into his room. Cecile: I have some news from Bay City. It's about Kathleen. Cass: what about her? TELL ME, CECILE. Cecile: she's DATING. (I love the way she said that.) Cass: you're LYING. Cecile: no, she's dating, she's dating a couple of guys, actually. One in particular. Cass: who? Cecile: he's Mac Cory's nephew. Cass: NEAL? No, no way, no. Cecile: no, that name is not familiar. Adam. Adam Cory, I think was his name. He's a police sergeant, new on the force, he's straight and narrow, got all those middle class values that Kathleen loves so much. I hear she's happy. Cass: happy. If she is I'll wring her neck. He started on the fruit and chewed savagely. He refused to believe it.
Brittany is going to Rachel's for a sculpting lesson. Michael tried to keep the peace. Donna told her Catlin was coming over. Britt left. Michael gave Donna what for for treating Brittany so badly. He said he'd listen to Catlin's pearls of wisdom and then go. Donna begged him to reconsider. Catlin bonged. He said he wanted to chat with Bridget. Donna was surprised. Catlin would also like to chat with Jake.
Nancy confided her woes to Dee. She needs a vast sum of money and a chem tutor. She won't ask Chris. She found an orphaned money clip.
Cass giggled foolishly and called Cecile queenie. He said he wanted Kathleen to be happy and Cecile wanted herself to be happy. She gives orders . ("Tote that bale or barge and lift that barge or bale*, yes your Royal magnificent Majesty.") He lay on the bed upside down and rhymed Gloria with euphoria. Cecile sent Gloria to fetch the strongarms. Cass told Cecile she had the prettiest green eyes he'd ever seen but he wanted Kathleen, ha, ha, gotcha that time. She said they'd get Kathleen out of his mind. He sang Old Man River. They lugged him down to the beach. LaRusso wouldn't let him kiss him.
The McKinnons and Adam pressed on.
Donna pled and pled with Michael. He caved in, saying darkly "When Victoria gets back."
Catlin ran into Brittany at the Corys'. She asked him how he was. He said Sally was still around in his mind most of the time and the police haven't closed her case yet. He said she was looking well and happy and he was glad.
Cass is slightly spaced.
The money clip contained $485. Jake appeared and apologised for blaming Nancy and Dee. Nancy made certain he hadn't lost the $485 and was thrilled . Catlin stopped in and ask Jake about Bridget.
Surf pounded. Cass collapsed into something approaching a stupor. He's not fit for love much to Cecile's chagrin.
Catlin took his leave of Jake having received some sort of information. Jake examined Nancy's chem and said it looked Greek to him. (by golly Tom will suffer for it.) She thanked him for apologising. He was civil. Better than civil. A stranger appeared to claim his uncle's money clip. Dee suggested there should be a reward. The stranger said it wasn't his to distribute. Dee's verdict: cute but cheap.
Donna and Britt sniped at each other. Enter Michael. He said Catlin had new information.
Czaja spotted the rescue party. Cass lolled. Cecile draped herself over him. She got him to roll.
Stranger Greg returned and offered himself as a chem tutor. He's a med. Exit Greg.
Britt evaporated. Catlin told them about Bridget's money. Enter Bridget. Donna interrogated her. Catlin confronted her with the truth.
Cecile put on a good show. Cass tried to explain himself to Kathleen but Cecile put more than her two cents in. Misleading. Cass begged her not to be mad. She slugged him.