Kathleen has to go to bed. Daniel is inclined to go with her but she's not completely comfortable with the idea.
Donna got upset and called the operator to try to get a trace. It's impossible. "this is a matter of LIFE or DEATH."
Marley got upset and said she had to call back.
Victoria accused Donna of hating her. Donna denied it. She [Donna] accused her [Victoria] of keeping secrets and distancing herself. Donna told her she should tell where Marley is. Victoria said she couldn't break her word to Marley. Donna is going to call "one of Marley's real friends... Like Nancy McGowan, or Jake. No, not Jake." "Why not Jake?" "Because I brought her up with more taste than that."
Jake told Marley he had no more change. He said he liked her. He told her Donna had likely mistaken her for Victoria and that Vic and Donna had likely had a fight. She called him the man she loves. "Strong words" said he. He asked what Donna would say if she told her about the adventure so far [mostly the holding on to Jake on the back of his bike bits]. She admitted Donna would probably order her back home. She decided not to call. He wants to keep going. She acquiesced.
Cass is back bearing a gift for Kathleen from Paris. He stumbled over Daniel in the kitchen apologized and fled. Daniel asked if he [Cass] were the reason she'd left the visualization room. She fell to bits. He was soothing. He said they'd take this very slowly. She said "if you don't mind." it sounded as though he enfolded her in reassuring embrace.
Dee: I know this sounds crazy, but this little guy has got my eyes. Carter: sometime, Dee, I'm going to sit you down and we'll have a little talk about the birds and the bees. Quinn wanted to give the baby $1000 for a birthday present with intent to do the same for the next 18 years. Carter rebelled. He was crushed.
Victoria: Donna said she could hear MUSIC and LAUGHTER in the background. Bridget: it sounds like a pub. Victoria: I'm sure Jake took her to one. Bridget assured Victoria Jake wouldn't leave her for Marley, who is too boring for his taste. Vic isn't convinced. Bridget asked why she didn't make sure of him and marry him. She said she knew Vic wouldn't flee with Jake against Donna's will. Enter Peter. Exit Bridget. Victoria accused Peter of disliking her. She told him she wanted to be a part of a loving family.
Jake thought about Victoria saying she loved him and he'd better come back. He turned to Marley to say he wouldn't likely go back. [Turned out he meant to Johnstown.] She asked impertinent questions about his physique. She accused him of liking her all along. She said she'd thought he was uncouth. [She keeps adding "but some women find that sort of thing very sexy" to everything.] She said he was normal. [Normality was something Donna had kept from her.] They seemed to start discussing being settled down together and even went so far as to conjure up children. Long silences. She suddenly brought up Victoria. She told him about twin links. He got perturbed. He said goodnight.
Donna is practicing her French to butter up Michaud. Peter told her Vic was very much attached to Bridget. Donna puts it down to her lower-class background.
Marley's never been skinny dipping. She's seen nude sunbathing in France. "I don't think that people should be afraid... to see each other... you know?" Jake is not entirely for it. "Jake I want to know what it's like to swim nude." Is he coming with her? He said he didn't think skinny dipping was a planned activity [his throat sounds dry ] and she was pushing too hard. She got upset and went in swimming properly dressed. He said [and it struck me as an aside] "you don't even know what you do to me."
The night of gold is fast approaching. Cass doesn't seem surprised or disappointed that Michaud didn't manage to convince Sally to be the Lesoleil Woman. He says there's always Kathleen. Michaud says firmly there is no one but Sally. Cass asked about Kathleen fleeing the visualization. Michaud said Felicia thought it had something to do with Cass. Kathleen is scheduled to drop by to ask Cass about the Paris branch. Cass asked if Michaud didn't think Daniel was a bit of a Don Juan. Michaud: Daniel, like myself [and what of Daphne?] Is merely searching for the perfect love. Exit Michaud. Cass: and he may have found her... BUT I FOUND HER FIRST.
Victoria is getting home manicures. Victoria thanks Peter's a mite suspicious. Bridget said Mrs. O'Neill had called. The police had come to the old house. Enter Donna in a foul mood. WHY ARE YOU SMILING LIKE THAT BRIDGET YOU'RE GRINNING LIKE AN IDIOT WHAT DID I INTERRUPT?
Cass has bought Kathleen a music box from gay Paree. He fantasized about the upcoming interview with Kathleen starting out businesslike and cordial and then becoming less businesslike and complimentary. Suddenly Cass: this isn't working out at all. Kathleen: what isn't? Cass: this — fantasy. Even when I try to be honest it's still a ploy. I mean, I'm doing whatever I can to make her love me again. Kathleen: you CAD. Cass: always in the past I'd give the girl a very lavish present to make her beholden to me. Kathleen: he never gave ME a lavish present. Cass: I never thought it would work on her. Kathleen: but you did get me my my cameo back. Cass: Kathleen, would you consider getting into really big trouble so I could bail you out again? That seems to work best for me. Kathleen: I don't think so. Cass: come on. Kathleen: I don't think I will ever get into trouble EVER EVER again. Cass: so that's why you're going out with that lummox Daniel? Kathleen: DANIEL is not a lummox. Cass: DANIEL is dull. Kathleen: steady and considerate does not mean dull. Cass: KATHLEEN, what am I supposed to do? You're dating a guy who doesn't have any faults, I can't make fun of him. Kathleen: well then act like a grown up. Cass: I DON'T KNOW HOW. Kathleen: THAT'S THE PROBLEM CASS, THAT'S THE PROBLEM. He came to to hear the lady from Brava buzzed up. He primed himself to be as charming and relaxed with Kathleen as possible. Cass: I've never seen you looking lovelier. Dorinda: that's because you've never seen me before. You Winthrop? Cass: yes, that's right. Dorinda: Dorinda. So. What's the scoop on the Lesoleil business? Cass: you're from Brava? Dorinda: THAT'S RIGHT [in a very "want to make something of it?" voice] McKinnon sent me over. ANY PROBLEM WITH THAT? Cass: oh, no. Not at all, not at all. Dorinda: well it wouldn't bother me if there was. Once I'm after a story nothing or nobody gets in my way. So let's start with you. What gives YOU the right to change women's lives?
Quinn's deadlines are looming up. She has to get an operating room completed in five days for Michaud.
Cass: well I'm a pretty honest guy. Dorinda: McKinnon told me that I'd have to CON the truth out of you. Cass: oh, well, Miss McKinnon knows that I have dissembled in the past. She has a very keen instinct and insight into my character. Dorinda: is that right? Cass: upon reflection I have determined that she is quite right, and I am attempting to be honest in all my dealings. Dorinda: GREAT. Cass: is something wrong? Dorinda: NOTHING except that the whole interview goes out the window. Who cares about HONESTY and HUMILITY? Cass: what? Dorinda: do you think Mike Wallace wants to interview Kermit the frog? Exit Dorinda. Cass: that was weird. Enter Daniel. Daniel, do you think you're an honest man? Daniel: yeah. Cass: can I ask you a question? Daniel: what? Cass: do you love Kathleen? Daniel: that's none of your business. Cass: Oh yes it is I care a lot about Kathleen and I don't want anyone to hurt her. Daniel: except yourself. Cass: INCLUDING myself. I mean do you really think you're better for her than I am? Daniel: I really don't want to talk about this with you. Cass: I want you to leave Kathleen alone. Daniel: now what possible difference could what you want make to me. Cass: damn. I am really trying to be honest here. If you don't leave her alone I think I'll knock your block off. Cass accused him of loving and leaving Lesoleil ladies around the globe. Cass: just because you're perfect doesn't mean you're right for her.
Bridget shriveled up. Victoria said they'd been talking about Marley. Donna told her not to discuss family matters with servants. Victoria said Bridget was a HUMAN BEING. Donna left to earn her keep. Bridget told Vic there was a warrant out for her arrest because she'd stolen Ned's car to get away from Lassiter.
Jake and Marley are happy. He said he really liked her. he told her going to Lassiter wouldn't make her grow up and perhaps she shouldn't pry into things in Victoria's past against Vic's wishes. He's afraid something in Lassiter will break them up. She assured him nothing there could change her feelings for him. They took off on the bike.