Donna was told that Marley had never been at the Comptons'. She deduced from that that Victoria had been the one to call before and demanded to know where Marley really was.
Marley encouraged Jake. He managed 150 lbs. Hoss suggested they go 200 lbs next. [Jake's not thrilled.]
Felicia discovered Tom in labour alone in Zane's whatnot. Felicia has sent her driver to Lesoleil and Dee hasn't returned. But Felicia said her mother was a midwife [calming Tom down]. Zane arrived and they prepared to take her to the hospital. [In the throes of pain, Tom agreed to name the child after Felicia.]
Hoss and Jake are the only two left. Marley made Jake give her $5 to bet on Jake. Marley keeps saying brave things.
Victoria denied everything. Peter took Victoria's side. Donna insisted. Victoria refused to tell. Enter Bridget with tea. Dead silence until she left. Victoria said she couldn't tell where Marley was. Donna said. It was very irresponsible — she'd expect it from Vic, but never Marley. Vic flared up and said she knew she wasn't part of the family and fled.
Britt: I hate to tell you this, but that rain isn't refreshing. Michaud: I thought it would blow over. Britt: It blew straight down. Britt and Michaud are getting along famously in spite of her tendency to think they're worlds apart, and he'll find her less than fascinating. [Birds do it, bees do it... Let's do it, let's fall in love.] He asked about Catlin, and she raved about his accomplishments in the drug bust. He asked more specifically — like why did the papers claim she was married to him? She said they were married legally, but Catlin and Sally chose to ignore that. "They live together" she said, as though it were somehow wicked and sinful. He asked if she were still in love with Catlin. She asked what it was about her and Catlin that he found so spellbinding, and if that was why he'd come to talk to her.
Dee returned with a cab and found everyone gone. Carter arrived. "OK, Carter, One of us has got to remain calm and it's got to be you." She told him Tom had gone into labour and disappeared. He went insane. He thinks she walked. They at long last found the note Felicia left. Off to the hospital.
Felicia told Lily over the phone. Quinn arrived, concerned about Tom's blood pressure. Carter arrived.
Hoss couldn't manage one. They told him it was Jake's turn. Marley cheers insanely. Hoss wants a beer. Dead silence as Jake tried the weight. He got it. HE WON.
Carter [world's prize tactless idiot] demanded to know in Tom's presence why she looked so weak. The doctor told him she was fine and he should calm down or leave. He decided to calm down. He said he'd never leave her.
It's stopped raining. Britt told Michaud about the natural wonders of HER part of the country. He asked why she stayed in Bay City. She likes it here and she likes her job. He asked her to run his stables. She said he was clever and asked why he was doing this, since he obviously wasn't interested in her romantically. He brought up the Lesoleil woman and confessed it would be Sally. She didn't jump for joy. She did ask about Sally being busy,.. He admitted it would be a full time job. She asked about Catlin and Kevin and said she knew Catlin would need a full-time wife because she'd been it. He said perhaps she would be again. She said she thought he'd like that. He fled, saying he'd enjoyed himself enormously. They look forward to meeting again.
Felicia advised Dee to leave pregnant women be in future. Dee said she'd never take another one fishing. Zane and Felicia went to the cafeteria. Quinn's still talking about blood pressure. Dee says being a debutante was small potatoes compared to this. Grant had an angina attack. He'll be fine. They left him alone. Sometimes Felicia regrets not having children. Zane says it's not too late.
Victoria's barricaded in her room. Donna's distraught. Peter consoled her. Donna's worried about Marley's well-being. Peter says she'll be fine. They can't think why she's gone off. Donna's hurt that Marley didn't confide in her. Peter told Donna it had been kind of Vic to try to keep Donna from being upset by calling as Marley. Donna: The outright deception... and the lies. It reminds me of somebody. Peter: Who? Donna: Me.
Marley and Jake are on their way. Jake bought everyone drinks. Hoss thinks it's romantic that Susie bet on him in spite of his loss. Marley still wants to go to Lassiter. She knows she can make it alone. She's going to call Donna. Jake tried to talk her out of it. Unsuccessfully.
At 5:38, Tom and Carter's son was born. Carter cut the umbilical cord. It's a LOUD baby.
Bridget told Victoria everything Donna had said. Vic raved about being the one sent away. Bridget shut her up and talked sense. She told Vic she had to stop lying or she'd be hurt when Marley returned. Vic's insane.
Grant took a pill. Quinn wants him to see a doctor. Carter appeared and told the good news. Everybody laughed and cried. Dee's looking forward to babysitting. They traipsed off to see the kid.
Marley called and told Donna she was all right. Donna took her for Victoria and told her it was a juvenile thing to do. She hung up. Enter Victoria. Donna was aghast.
Everybody looked at the baby. He's beautiful.
Carter yelped and cheered.