September 18, 1986

A man named Snake Eyes phoned Wallingford to say he'd have a Name vair' soon. Cass was impressed. Vince heard Reginald's name mentioned.

Marissa was willing to persevere. She said she had to think about it.

Peter was caught rummaging through Donna's desk.

Felicia attempted to track the Noise to its source. Rachel phoned security but the line was busy. Mitch fell silent and they left.

Cass and Wallingford managed to convince Vince that they weren't plotting against Reginald. Vince's leaning is toward the homicidal. Cass and Wally conversed in undertones with MJ. MJ told Cass this was dangerous and she didn't want cops to get hurt. Cass said he didn't want to feel guilty about Zane's death. She asked if he wanted to feel dead instead.

Donna yelled at Peter for messing up her accounts. He said he wanted to borrow paper. She shoved some at him and he left. Michael pushed Donna to set a wedding date. She said before Thanksgiving. He tried before Labour Day but she pointed out the impossibility of that. He resigned himself. Donna rushed off with Marley to look at dresses for Jake and Marley's engagement party ce soir. Jake and Michael are looking forward to being married. Jake told him about the Big Fight yesterday. The brides to be reappeared. Marley refused to divulge to her parents where they were going on their honeymoon. Baby you can drive my car said Michael to Jake. $100 to chauffeur him this afternoon. (Do I feel a bachelor party coming on?) Jake was willing. Marley protested but Michael insisted. Marley said it was demeaning. She realised something was up and tried to bully it out of Donna.

Peter forged a letter in Donna's handwriting for his father. His father thrills him even more now that he knows about Mary. The letter is mean and nasty for Marissa.

Mac yelled at security. He made it search the grounds several million times. Rachel suggested he cut out publishing Bad Things about That Old Carrot. Mac made a noise a nice little patriotic speech about being in the United States of America where publishers were allowed to publish all the Bad Things they wanted. She backed down. Exit Mac. Mitch appeared to fetch his lunchbox. Another workman asked him where he'd been at lunch. Mitch wandered off. Felicia is going to deliver her second installment to the Carrot herself.

Peter's Donna letter reached Marissa. She was thrilled until she read it.

Marley kept bugging Donna. They got along marvellously well. They are going to miss each other. Suddenly Donna started to laugh. "I just thought of something," quoth she. "I'm not losing a daughter I'm gaining – Jake."

Michael took Jake to Mary's Place. It revealed every male in Bay City (except Catlin) and Ada with the eats. Scott was there even. Vince was unthrilled.

Felicia gave her article to Marissa. Marissa told her she was wrong about the sabotage and everything. Felicia told her about Zane. Mary asked her to leave. Felicia refused. Mary defended Reginald. She blamed the press for misrepresenting him. Felicia insisted she was right. Mary declared her intention to stand by Reginald. Exit Felicia.

Jake said he wanted Scott to stay. People gave him gifts. (The young marrieds intend to move to Los Angeles. Ye gods.) Adam and Wallingford and Vince discussed the ladies in their respective lives. Adam said MJ was at a standstill. Wallingford has been seen in the company of a lady wrestler. For Vince it will always be Mary. Scott says Cheryl is just a kid.

Victoria can't be at the wedding. She's in Paris and civil. Marley asked Donna if she thought she'd done the right thing, not sleeping with Jake. (If Jake and Marley has not been carrying on, what was this all about? Donna said she would have said yes most emphatically a few years ago but now she didn't think there was any right or wrong when one was in love. Marley feels as if Jake sees her as some dumb immature virgin. Donna reassured her.

Reginald made Gomez buy an expensive piece of jewelry to stop a wedding. (Oh.)

Peter commiserated with Marissa about Donna's bitterness and Brittany's cruelty.

Michael told Donna Reginald worried him but he [Michael] would triumph.

Reginald yelled at Mitch. He wants the trump moved more quickly. Mitch said he had something more important to do and he couldn't risk being found on Cory property out of work hours.

Cory security is tighttighttight. Judge Spooner wants to see them in her chambers to chat about Mitch.

Vince fretted about earthquakes. A call came for Wallingford with the name of Beatrice Jones, a nurse at the Coronet Hospital all those years ago. To hide the truth from Vince Adam passed the caller off as a bookie and explained the widespread interest in the call by saying they'd bet on the race. MJ and Adam wouldn't let Cass help. He protested. Adam quelled him.

Marissa told Reginald she'd leave whenever he said. He said he couldn't leave right away. She declared her intention to meet killer Vince and assorted McKinnons.

Jake told Marley about his party.

Peter has custody of the Gomez expensive jewelry. He assured his father the wedding would not come to pass.


