December 16, 1986

Wallingford disapproved of Felicia's moving in so close to Mitch.

Reginald confronted Scott and Cheryl with the paper. They were defensive. He was surprised. He gave them his blessing.

Peter got sworn in. He said he had a confession to make. He told everyone how humiliated he had been upon learning that Brittany had tricked him into marriage, so he had forced her to sign a custody agreement in order to avoid a scandal. He admitted to having struck Brittany, on occasion. Brittany thought that was great.

Scott was suspicious. Cheryl yelled at Reginald. Reginald suggested Scott leave them alone. Cheryl agreed. Exit Scott.

Mary told Ada she had to talk to Cheryl first. Ada refused to listen to her excuses and put her to work. Maisie yelled at Ada for having hired her.

Felicia assured Wally it was just for the holidays. She wept a little about Zane. She went out to buy a tree. Wallingford is profoundly suspicious of Mitch's friendly overtures to her.

Scott told his mother she didn't have to work because he could help. She said he was already struggling and she could struggle herself. He said it was different for a guy. She told him very firmly that it wasn't. She said she wanted to be independent.

Cheryl accused Reginald of trying to wreck her family. He denied it. She refused to believe him. She told him he didn't care about anyone but himself. He told her he'd been very much in love with her mother even though the world didn't approve. He said their cases were similar. She said they weren't.

Peter said he'd loved his wife and he'd retaliated. He said he'd told her she was free to go and given her $100,000 the day she'd left. Brittany cried out that he was lying. Once order was restored Peter explained that he had been about to shoot the horse in order to save Brittany's life when she shot him. Sensation.

Felicia got settled in. Mitch brought friendly offerings. Felicia got rid of Wallingford to chat with him about Christmas. she asked if he would spend Christmas with her since Wally is going to hang out with Jeannie. He told her he wasn't worth it. He said Wally was suspicious.

Reginald attempted to win Cheryl over. She refused to be won. Scott returned and told his father to take the back way out. He left, having told them he was on their side. Cheryl was a little more won than she'd let on. Scott asked her to help Mary with a big decision.

Mary practiced waitressing. Maisie could be a little more fun. The customers were nasty. [and she's not as bad as Julian, even.] Cheryl appeared and asked what Mary was doing, causing her to drop everything.

Peter said Brittany had convinced him she loved him. Brittany jumped up and called him a filthy liar. She screamed that he had raped her. Order, order. Peggy asked for a mistrial. The motion was denied. The outburst was struck from the record. The Hon Leonard L Finch is fed up with Brittany. Peggy agreed to bring up the rape herself. Peter denied it, but described the incident in question. He conceded that Brittany might have misinterpreted it due to the fact that he had been rough and they had been fighting. Afterwards Brittany had told him to move his things out of the room. Tears welled up in Brittany's eyes and she said he was lying.

Felicia told Mitch she didn't want him and Wallingford to be concerned. She stomped out. Wallingford returned. Mitch said he thought they should stay out of Felicia's business.

Reginald had Victoria to the Northwoods Inn for lunch. He wants to involve her in a plan involving Cheryl.

Wallingford went over Felicia's books. They aren't much fun. RED. Mitch suggested they help.

Reginald asked Victoria to have a Christmas party and to invite Scott and Cheryl. He said he wanted to bring the family together.

Cheryl gave Mary her permission.

Zack cross-examined. Peter, being such a truthful lawyer type guy, practically admitted that he was aware he had raped his wife. Peggy got permission to redirect. She proved that Brittany had never mentioned this alleged rape to anyone else until now. Zack refrained from cross examining. He has his own strategy. Brittany wept and thought about the day of the rape. [I'd forgotten her hair had ever been like that.]

Cheryl went so far as to encourage Mary. Victoria arrived. Scott told her Mary was a waitress now. She rushed off to tell grandpa.

Felicia very civilly requested That Old Carrot never to grace her establishment again. Exit Reginald. Mitch accepted Felicia's invitation to Christmas. Wallingford looked at Felicia. He told her Mitch had eyes for Rachel and Rachel alone.

Zack doesn't think things are going well. Brittany blames the Loves. Zack blames her. Peggy cruised past, gloating, rather.


