February 15, 1985

Cass isn't worried about Dee. Lily is. Lily: I wouldn't want to have to face that Donna Love witch. Cass: Ssh. Now listen. I told Dee that Donna Love was a very nice lady and she'd be on her side right form the start. Lily: YOU DID WHAT? Cass: Keep your voice down, for crying out loud. Lily: But HONEY, the light BRIGADE knew what was waiting for them. It's only fair. Cass; I just don't want her to choke, y'know? Lily: Yeah, but she thinks she's going to meet a NICE woman. Not Beelzebub. Cass: Keep it down, Lily. Lily kept on raving saying that he had to tell Dee. Dee appeared. Tell me what? Lily: About Donna. (She faltered.) You're going to meet a real lady.

Donna's trying to fuddle creditors I believe.

Kathleen's to meet with Peter and Felicia. She likes Peter's idea. She's sure Felicia will too. Felicia's opening line: All right, Love. Just what do you think you're doing to MY SHOW.

Rachel wishes Ada didn't have to leave. She's not looking forward to her dinner meeting about art. Ada left. Rachel said she'd be fine. (Carl said he'd see to it personally.) Rachel alone walking about silently. Carl told someone to wait an hour then make the call.

Dee asked why they'd been yelling. Cass said they hadn't been. Dee: Now what's going on here? Lily: Nothing. We were -- you know -- Cass: We were looking for my car keys. Lily: Yeah. Cass: You know I spend half my life looking for those stupid car keys. Dee: So you're not going to tell me. Cass: Maybe they're in the kitchen. I'll be right back. Lily: Coward. He left. Lily complimented Dee sincerely. Dee said Cass'd said Donna was a real nice chick. Lily agreed that she's a real Julie Andrews. Dee didn't believe her. She asked what was wrong with Donna. Lily was evasive. Dee began to panic somewhat. "Tell him I'm sick. I've got the plague." Cass returned and such are his powers of persuasion (and steamrolling talents) that she went (almost without a murmur).

Felicia is annoyed. Peter wants all of her guests to be Cory Publishing authors. He wants the show to be syndicated. Felicia's mad that Kathleen's there. Peter's trying to sound reasonable. Kathleen seems to be siding with him. Felicia says she's sure Mac would disapprove of what he's trying to do and he won't FLIM FLAM her. She stalked out.

Donna has taken to answering the telephone with a French accent so's not to let on that she has no maid. She hates Carl. Peter doesn't want her using any charge cards. André arrived to redecorate her living room. She told him she didn't have the heart to redo it. She wants to keep it just as it is as a monument to all of the Loves who have lived there. He told her he couldn't refund her 60% deposit and she changed her mind. André: But what about the monument? Donna: Darling, I have plenty of snapshots and I have a VERY good memory.

Carl watching Rachel. She was going to go for a walk. He willed the man to call. She was caught just in time. He postponed their meeting, much to her disappointment. She has to stay in New York another night. She's going to call room service. (Carl: All dressed up and no place to go . . . now we'll have to do something about that, won't we.)

Felicia complained to Jamie. She intends to talk to Mac when he gets back. She left still livid. Jamie's going to talk to Peter.

Nothing was found on Willa to connect her to Catlin. Larry's happy. MJ's not surprised. But there seems to be no evidence to support Catlin's theory. Larry left to call Catlin. Kathleen arrived. She told MJ about Peter's proposition. (Not about Felicia, re: her own job offer.) She thinks she can work for both Winthrop and Cory. MJ reminded her that Cass and Peter, if they fall upon each other's necks, they do it with daggers, not in tears. Kathleen insisted it would work out. She says Cory offers something Winthrop doesn't: a pay cheque. MJ's going out with Jamie tonight. Kathleen suggested they double-date but MJ doesn't think that's a good idea. Jamie wants to discuss his new word tonight: commitment. Kathleen was on about Jamie's attributes, mostly financial, although the odd physical and the even odder mental crept in. MJ spoke sternly of loving poor men just as easily as rich ones. Kathleen agreed with her but said again he was FILTHY RICH.

Donna told Cass her whole staff had the flu and she was answering the door herself. Dee is short for Deirdre. Dee seems speechless. Donna left momentarily. She's weird about being called Deirdre. Cass asked why she didn't just slug her. Dee's afraid of messing up. Cass reassured her. Donna returned. She wants to know why Dee would like to come to the cotillion. Dee: I have thought this over quite carefully. I realise that some people find social functions to be a bit -- ANACHRONISTIC these days. Donna: But you don't. Dee: No ma'am. You see, I just want to be a society broad like you.

Peter arrived to see Jamie. 45 minutes later than Jamie wanted him. Peter says Felicia will get over it. Jamie asked him why he's pushing so hard. Peter says he wants what's best for Cory. Jamie said making Felicia Gallant (and therefore 7% of Cory profits) unhappy was not best. Peter accused him of professional jealousy. Jamie denied it and I believe him. He's going to talk to Mac. Peter thinks Jamie will be surprised at what Mac will say.

Felicia's stomping about alone. Feeling alone. I think she found a Valentine from Wallingford, for he appeared out of nowhere and apologized for the card being "too mushy." She says she loves mushy cards. She told him of her rotten day. He sympathized. Felicia's afraid if the slant of the show gets too literary they'll sack Lily. Wallingford told her she was a good friend. She started to sniffle and said no, he was. She said this was the nicest thing that had happened to her all day and she loved him. He said he loved her too.

Donna went to get some tea. Cass had Dee pour out. She spilled it on the couch and left. Donna: Cass, I don't understand. I simply don't understand. What are you doing with a girl like that? She's totally unfit -- Cass: I know. Donna: She's UNCOUTH. Cass: I know. Donna: She's not fit to be in society. Cass: I know. I KNOW. Donna: Well then why did you visit her upon me? And my sofa, and my dress . . . Cass: Donna, her father and I were childhood friends. The best of friends. And a long time ago, we made a pact, that if anything ever happened to either one of us, the other -- would look after the loved ones. Donna: Oh, Cass. Cass: So after the accident -- no, even I can't stoop that low. Donna, the reason I want to get Dee into the cotillion is simple -- I need a great deal of money, and I can get a great deal of money if I do it. Now, I know that you'd never understand something like that, so I apologize. I'm sorry I took up your time. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Donna told him she'd do it. He said she was a love.

Ada returned. She was told that Catlin's been cured of any implication in Willa's death and she exulted. Larry and MJ too are pleased. They are of the opinion that nothing can stand in the way of his new life now. (Ha. Peter will disrupt the wedding by announcing (in the middle of it in front of everyone) that Catlin was married to Willa (no that doesn't fit it would have to be something I mean somebody already living I mean still living so's to make it like Jane Eyre, although Catlin couldn't be Mr. Rochester if he tried.)) Ada told them she'd liked New York (and cited all of the things she had ranted against while there). It occurred to her that Catlin would now be reacademized and THAT is wonderful.

Peter on the phone to his Wyoming connection. Willa was (according to is source) not the kind of girl you take home to mother. (It depends on what you want mother to do to her. P'r'aps you want her to go the way of John Ciardi.) No connection to Catlin Ewing though. Peter suggested he try Josh Peterson. And he's to check out a town where Willa lived: Dry Creek, Wyoming. PETER IS SLIME. He's desperate to find a connection. ('S funny. It COULD be in his capacity as Catlin's lawyer but he could ask Catlin then.)

Dee is stricken dumb by Donna's recommendation. Actually that's not true. She's vocal in the disbelief. Cass is singing (the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain). He said Donna liked her. And she looked great. And she'd done it. Kathleen arrived and was thrilled with them. He asked them both out to dinner but Dee said they could go without her. Cass and Kathleen left singing together. Dee is not as thrilled as she might be considering he success. (But what is life without Cass? I ask you.)

MJ discussed commitment with Jamie. First she asked him if he loved her. I guess I must he said. She told him she didn't think he did. And furthermore it was all right because she didn't love him (although she might in time). She suspects him of feeling obliged to make a commitment because he's such an honourable man and they've been going out so long. They're going to go on as they have been. Necking in Mac's office for a start.

Rachel's going to bed. Strange thumping noises. Sounds of Rachel investigating? Tap dripping. Rachel got up to shut it off. She was attacked by Carl. Or something.




It think it would've been more characteristic of Donna to demand in return some of Cass' vast sum of money.

I can see Catlin and Cass getting together to complain about Peter. I doubt they will but 't would be entertaining.

I've noticed a fundamental difference between Catlin and Donna. Donna goes in for variety but Catlin sticks to the trouble he knows: brunettes in difficulty. (I do not count Donna and Maisie. They were just handy. I count only those he took some pains over. And if being engaged to David Thatcher cannot be termed a difficulty I don't know what can.)