Rachel and Jamie are stuck in an elevator. She's hysterical. She thinks he's Steve and they're in the cave-in. He said he was Jamie not Steve.
Clarice is feeling badly about upsetting Sally. Apparently Catlin got very angry. Larry said he'd get over it. She doesn't blame him. She's a twit. He told her not to feel guilty. She feels sorry for Brittany.
Tom's all right but they're keeping her for observation at the hospital.
Victoria's success with Donna during the first tea-spilling has gone to her head. She thinks she's ready to take Marley's place. Jake thinks she's not. She's going to go out and observe. He thinks she's crazy. She showed him the keys. I guess she left. Jauntily.
Perry is purchasing a tracking device. [Ha ha ha ha.] No 'twas a bug.
Catlin and Sally have not been sleeping well. Sally said she'd been thinking and she'd decided to leave. Catlin protested. She said it wasn't his fault. He asked why she didn't want to be with him and she said she did always but she thought it would be easier for him to deal with Brittany alone. He got upset and said he didn't want her to go and they could work it out without that. Kevin appeared wanting to go to school because he didn't like the fighting. Sally said they weren't mad at each other but they had to work something out. She sent him to play with his rabbit and told Catlin this mess was messing up Kevin, too. Catlin said he couldn't let her move out. Sally said 'twas the only way. Catlin said there was another way.
Marley's vacuuming much to Donna's distress. Donna is making an invitation list for Marley's 18th birthday. Donna thinks she should travel in Europe with her inheritance. [Donna said she'd been "Traveling abroad" when she was 18. Seeing the sights beyond the wine cellar, love?] Marley would rather spend it on her and Peter. [This is really going to foul up Victoria.]
Rachel has remembered Steve and the cave-in much to Ada and Jamie's delight. They hope she'll remember more. Ada cast up to Jamie something to do with sneezing powder and Rose Perrini [Perrini as in Joey? What form of relation, I wonder?]. Jamie hopes Rachel doesn't remember that. He left. Nancy's off school this morning. Ada told her about the returning memory. They're thrilled. Perry gave Nancy his grandmother's Egyptian ring last night. "Engaged to be engaged" said Nancy. Ada's perturbed. Nancy says she has no intention of getting married until after college. It turns out Perry has to go to Paris on business and he's asked Nancy along [talk about Trixie Belden!] Ada said no. Nancy said separate rooms. Ada said no. No go. Nancy begged. Ada said she and Perry could be very good friends right here in Bay City.
Strange music. Victoria or Perry, I guess. Or a druggie.
Cass has decided to do Felicia's show today after all. She waxed sarcastic. He's blown it. She'd rather have 10 minutes of dead air or Bruce Bellwethers bird caller. Go away, Cass. He begged. She was unmoved. He said she was being silly. She sent him out.
Kathleen has decided to stay. She's got a raise. She wants to get her own apartment and do fashion video. [Not be in, produce or something.] they love her.
Sally said there was no other way. Catlin said he'd move out. She protested. He said he had a problem he needed to sort out and she and Kevin needn't be in the middle of it sounding terribly hurt and like he thought they were jumping ship. He said he loved her and this was their home and made her promise to stay and he'd come back when this thing was all over. Rather a good deal of kissing.
Wallingford and Felicia discussed Cass and chutzpah and gall. Wally intimated that perhaps Felicia is doing herself more harm than good by refusing to have Cass on the show. Lily's gone to Chicago but Felicia's so mad at Cass. Suddenly she got a brainstorm--she'll have Cass on and give him what he deserves.
Cass ran into Kathleen. He talked to Jamie about being on the show. Jamie won't interfere. But Cass is desperate. Jamie's unmoved. Felicia came to get Cass for makeup. Chop chop.
Donna doesn't want Marley to spend money on them. She asked Marley if she thought she was still young and attractive. Marley said she did really think she was quite a catch. Donna said perhaps someday she'd get married to a rich enough man. Marley went to do the laundry. [I wonder if the money talk was overheard? The sound did go odd.] Donna says the washing machine is broken and [I guess Victoria's in the room or something.] They discussed Jake's sudden coolness. Donna said they'd invite him to the party. Marley thanked her for being a terrific sister.
Nancy called Perry and told him Tom was in hospital after fainting and hitting her head. The baby's fine but her blood pressure's high. They want to visit her. Perry rang off quickly upon hearing Jake's voice and fiddled with his radio thing. Jake [I guess Perry's bugged him] got on the phone to Bridget for her to come to see him and warned her not to get caught by Perry.
Nancy showed Marley her ring. They're thrilled. Marley thinks they should celebrate. They're worried about Tom. Marley's waiting for the repairmen.
Donna's at the Corys' looking for Rachel. Rachel's out. Symphony committee business Donna wants her for. Oh, I see. Rachel's moved out and they're not telling. Ada confessed eventually. Donna was ghoulishly interested and sympathy oozed out of her in Mac's direction. [Can we see her setting her cap for rich old Mac?] Ada had to leave so Donna was got rid of.
Catlin explained to Kevin that he loved him in spite of his [Catlin's] problems and he and Sally had to be apart for a while but he'd come visit and if he had problems all he had to do was phone. Kevin asked if he had problems with his homework [somewhere in the middle of that he said it was because of Catlin's other wife and Catlin said he thought of Sally as his wife now and Brittany was just a legal thing] and Catlin said he'd help as long as a wasn't math. [What kind of homework does this child have? And how can we help with anything not math? Spelling and reading I guess but-but-. We can help with his vocabillary.] Catlin said he loved him and Sally very very much and they were most important to him. He explained that Britt was sick and he was going to help her get better. [So be a doctor. I'll bet if he tallied up all the hours he spent with his chest exposed they'd love to have him in the hospital. And I can just picture platoons of people standing about nodding wisely and saying "He has the hands of a surgeon, ho yuss." [Sidetrack for a minute: if Alice is gone how are there going to be any children in Bay City? And if the woman is incapable does this mean she never talks to herself?] chirugien. He'd better not go obstetrical on us. "Between babies, Mrs. Dr. dear ... he's had eight while you were away."]
Donna's at the Cory Complex looking for Mac for lunch. Jamie told her Mac was in a meeting and very busy. Donna wandered out when Kathleen appeared. Jamie [perceptive man] is suspicious of her.
Felicia: You know there are so many things I want to ask you, Mr. Winthrop, but it so hard to know where to begin. You've led such a chequered and varied life. Cass: Why don't you call me Cass, Felicia, after all, we do go back couple of years. Felicia: Yes, we do. Cass: I hope I'm not making a faux pas by being so informal. Felicia: No, no, of course not. I'll call you Cass and I'll be Felicia. Cass: This is really not my medium so please, if I'm out of line you just let me know. Felicia: no, I just thought that with your newfound celebrity Mr. Winthrop would be more in keeping with the way you're feeling. Cass: No, no, it's still Cass. And as for that newfound celebrity nobody could be more surprised than I. Felicia: Or more pleased. Cass: Yes, yes, I am pleased. For my work to be reaching hundreds of thousands of people that it is reaching right now is -- wonderfully rewarding to me, and I'm profoundly grateful for this opportunity from Brava. [Kathleen [aside to Jamie]: He hasn't got a profound bone in his body.] Felicia: But it has never been thus before, has it. Cass: What you mean by that? Felicia: Well I mean success has been a long time in coming. Cass: Oh, has it ever. Which makes it all the sweeter. Felicia: Ah yes, all those years of struggling and crawling, and hustling--Cass: have made me what I am today. Felicia: Yeah, what exactly is that, would you say? Cass Oh, that's not really for me to answer, Felicia. Felicia: Oh, of course it is. I mean our audience would love to know. Cass: Really, really I couldn't. Felicia: Perhaps you'd like me to say it, would you like that? Silence. Cass: [brightly] I used to be Felicia's publisher, you know. Felicia: Ah, yes, but I'm not going to take credit for that -- Cass: Those were hard, long years for me. Felicia: Were they really? Cass: But inspiring years. Felicia: But still I am not taking credit. Cass: Oh, I'm not saying you were my inspiration darling. Felicia: No? Cass: No, no no don't be silly. It was the job that was my inspiration. You know, editing what you'd written and restructuring it. Felicia: What book exactly are you talking about? Cass: -- I forget now. Felicia: Oh, I see. So they were all so much the same that one was not distinguishable from another? Cass: Oh, quite the contrary they're all very vivid to me. As I suppose they must be for all of your millions of readers. Felicia: Thank you. Cass: Yes but -- immersing myself into the work of another author just--wasn't me. I had to find the real me. Felicia: Well now you have found the real you, do you like him? Cass: I feel what I have to offer is more accessible now. Felicia: Oh, gee, I don't know, I think you've always been pretty accessible. Ha ha ha. Cass: That's true. But -- there may be more of it now. Felicia: Ha, you mean you have even more to offer. And so on. He thanked her for the years of struggle in working with her. She asked about his background coming from a rich family. He made this speech about how money had never meant anything to them and what was important was reaching people money can't buy happiness. We are a hypocrite. Felicia sounds dangerous. She rehashed Krystle Lake. Cass passed it off as an experience researching his book and he spoke of how shamefully men treat women. Kathleen turned off the TV explaining to Jamie it made her nauseous. Jamie agreed Cass had gall.
Bridget went to Jake's room. They say they have to get Marley out of town before her 18th birthday without suspicion. Did Perry hear?
Catlin's going to stay at Larry and Clarice's. He keeps talking to Kevin but with his meaning directed at Sally. Saying he'd come back to visit. Sally told him if he'd forgotten anything he could always come back. [She should take Clarice's suggestion and go to the Plains Motel and annoy him no end. As long as she doesn't go with Peter.] Catlin said he could at that. He hugged Kevin and kissed Sally and departed.
I suppose with having Catlin move out it's not as a blatant as the Lysistrata.
Hey, Zane is wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice and Donna finds him familiar. And Felicia licks her chops when she sees him and Donna's been bitching about Carl ...