Cheryl dropped by Scott's room to retrieve her sweater. He had been in the shower. She accused him of being like his father.
Donna slept in the drawing room having nightmares about Reginald's threats against Michael. Michael found her and comforted her.
Brittany dreamed about sleeping with Catlin, saying his name in her sleep. Peter watched her from the doorway.
Reginald begged Mary not to leave. She told him she wasn't Leaving leaving – YET. She said she had a lot of thinking to do. She resents his having taken advantage of her accident. He claimed to have been so much in love with her, etc. The McKinnons are preying on her mind. She said she was married to Vince.
Scott changed the name on his door to Love. He and Cheryl snapped at each other. She saw his newspaper with the Lazarus story in it. She was distressed. He soothed her.
Michael assured Donna nothing would happen to him. He asked her to hurry and set a date. She promised she would. He decided to bug Victoria. He found her room and played Reveille and blew a whistle in her ear. (She sleeps in a revolting eyeshade.) She told him to go to hell. He laughed and charged upstairs with Donna in his wake. He dragged her down for breakfast and told her she'd start work at 8:00 AM. Donna was appalled to hear she was expected to start at the bottom. Michael quelled her.
Brittany writhed and moaned and said yes a lot. Peter woke her. He told her he would never allow her to go to Catlin. She said she hadn't meant to hurt him. She told him she had honestly believed they could be happy. She pretended to feel sorry for the way his father had treated him. He told her she had treated him even more badly. She cringed. He threatened her. Sara was lurking outside, listening.
Catlin offered himself as a friend to MJ. Vince is missing this morning. Cass was brotherly. MJ said she was afraid that Vince would be hurt trying to get Mary back.
Sara phoned Catlin and said she was having trouble breathing. They arranged to meet.
Scott mentioned how close he and his mother were. Cheryl told him Vince meant to retrieve her. They had another argument about their fathers.
Brittany and Peter bitched at each other at breakfast. Donna realised that Reginald would be staying in Bay City. She was not pleased. She brought up the letter Mary had mentioned and asked Peter if he'd forged one. He denied it.
Mary let Reginald comfort her. She can't imagine having been in love with another man. Vince dropped by. He said he had things to ask her once he'd sorted them out in his head. Mary told him he could come by anytime. He left. Mary went to her room. Peter told him to blame everything on Michael. He said it was Michael's fault that Donna was planning her wedding. Reginald said Donna could plan all she wanted.
Michael gave Victoria his old car. She has to pay the operating costs. She has to pay room and board out of a lousy $300/wk salary. She is affronted, natch. Michael is adamant. Donna took his side. Victoria, defeated, went to get dressed. Donna told Michael she loved him. He told her not to worry.
Brittany told Sara she trusted her and asked her not to tell Peter where she was if she went out. Sara agreed. Brittany said she thought Mary could get Reginald to do anything. She has a plan.
Vince returned to Mary's Place. He told MJ and Cheryl and Cass the meeting had gone well. MJ was nice to him. He went for a walk.
Sara reported all to Catlin. He expressed concern. She told him Brittany was crazy in love with him.
Brittany apologised to Mary for saying those terrible things to her. She asked if they could be friends. Mary did not exactly jump for joy.
Cheryl lurked outside Scott's room. She found him packing and dumped his clothes out of his suitcase. They fought. He ordered her out. She told him he'd have to throw her out. They had a loud irrational argument. Cass came in and broke it up. He asked to talk to Scott alone. Cheryl stomped out. Cass told Scott he should stay, if only because he was in love with Cheryl. Scott pointed out that he wasn't in love with Cheryl. Cass told him he just didn't realise it yet and assured him he wouldn't tell.
Reginald dropped by the Love mansion and cornered Donna.
Peter caught Brittany and dragged her home. He found the gun in her purse and expressed tremendous interest.