July 9, 1986

Greg is running Nancy ragged. She can't keep up.

Adam and Michael inspected the Love stables. Adam said they had to go after the Queen of Tanquir. Enter Donna. She asked why they were going after Cecile.

Zane advised Cass to give Kathleen a call before going to see her. Cass said he intended to give her her ring or die trying.

Kathleen wants to cut Cass up for shark bait. Felicia tried to calm her down. Cass rang and told Kathleen he loved her. He said he was coming over and rang off. Felicia accused her of still loving him. Kathleen said Cass was a great liar. She left a note and fled to the Northwoods Inn, saying she wouldn't let Cass kick her in the teeth again.

Zane advised Cass to back off for now. Cass asked if she'd taken up with Adam Cory.

Adam told Donna it was a police term having to do with diplomatic whatnots. Michael harped on iced tea. Iced tea with lemon. And shoved her out. Adam told Michael Cecile was involved. Vultures vultures everywhere.

Greg asked Nancy out again. Nancy claimed that she and Jake were going to paint Dee's bedroom lavender. Jake very wickedly said it didn't ring a bell. Greg pled with Ada. Nancy hedged. Greg suggested they go on a chem picnic. Left alone with Jake Greg said Nancy was swell. Jake said she wasn't flaky anymore and denied watching out for her. Greg said he was Sam's new hero. Jake said she'd be better off with a preppy. Enter Sam. She had a present for Jake. The giftie was a watch with "I am thinking of you all the time" inscribed on the back. Greg figures Jake is doomed. She has a propensity to wind her legs about his. Jake advised her to cut it out. (Polite, but firm.) He went back to work. Greg mentioned the picnic to Sam and she decided they were double dating.

Adam and Michael are going to surprise the Vulture. Adam fled when Donna returned. Donna demanded an honest explanation of their carryings-on .

Zane said Adam Cory had nothing to do with it. He advised Cass to produce eyewitnesses. Cass said everyone was either nutty or criminal. He insists on seeing Kathleen. A man followed him.

Michael said he was friends with Adam. He accused Donna for looking for ulterior motives everywhere. Donna said she was upset about the twins. Michael said Marley was all right and he wouldn't let anyone hurt her [Donna]. He agreed to ask Marley to call Donna. She asked if he'd stay. He said he wanted to buy the Love stables for sentimental reasons.

Greg told Sam he knew she would drool all over Jake for weeks and be crushed when he dumped her. She accused him of being incapable of getting serious.

Kathleen showed Adam photographs of her parents. He's helping her with her research. He's getting the addresses of all the guests at the party at which Mary drowned. Adam accused her of working to forget.

Cass banged on Kathleen's door. Vince appeared and ordered him to stay away from his daughter. Cass pled. Vince yelled at him. Cass said he wouldn't give up and stomped out. Vince phoned the Northwoods Inn and then decided to take care of it himself.

Nancy tried to convince Sam that Jake would not get over Marley easily. Sam said she underestimated her. She approached Jake .

Michael wheedled. He promised $250,000 if she'd sell him the stables. Donna protested. He pled beautifully and I wanted to throw a plate at him. She said he was persuasive but she had to consult Peter. He said Peter didn't own anything but half of the house. She hesitated.

Jake explained to Ada that Sam had no intention of dancing nude on the bar. Sam begged Jake to drive her expensive Italian sports car to the picnic. He asked why she was so desperate for him to go. She said she'd already broadcast that he'd be coming and he wouldn't want to make her a liar. Maybe, he said. She took this as a yes . He said he'd think about it.

Wallingford wants to rent a guillotine for the Sons and Daughters of the French Revolution banquet on Bastille Day. Felicia said she was worried about him.

Adam took his leave of Kathleen. She stayed to work on her book.

Cass and Vince ran into each other. Cass went in in spite of Vince.

Greg refused to let Nancy make it an early night and rushed off. Nancy warned Sam again about Marley's stranglehold on Jake. Sam warned Nancy that Greg was a genius who got bored with relationships very easily. IQ 160. Once he becomes acquainted with something he drops it. Nancy pointed out that she hadn't been picked up.

Michael called Adam to say Donna had sold him the stables. They plan to flush the Vulture out by spreading the news about. (Brandon Reginald, and you can make book on that.)

Cass demanded access to Kathleen. He spotted her and then caught sight of an armed waiter next to her.


