December 9, 1985

When Daniel left Sally unguarded in the airport [she had refused a ride] Catlin attempted to talk to her. He told her he'd missed her and things would be different. Daniel returned. Catlin told him to mind his own business.

Donna arranged a secret tryst with someone. Victoria overheard.

Grant is in the hospital. Everyone's worried. Carter was let in for a moment. The heart specialist confided in Chris. They agree that it doesn't fit the pattern and they have to find out what really happened.

Rachel was confused to find Amanda wrapping the Blue Jar.

Sally told Catlin to leave and not to cause a scene. He said they had to talk and he wasn't going to leave it like this. She told Daniel she'd like a lift.

Amanda is wrapping Nancy's gifts for 25¢ apiece. Rachel said she'd sold the jar to Kevin for Sally. Amanda said Nancy had bought it in Egypt for Mac. Rachel decided they wouldn't wrap it until she was to the bottom of the matter. Amanda seems to have a Thing about daddy coming home. She has a gift for both of them together for Christmas.

Jake is nervous about Donna 's get together. Marley said no matter what happened she wouldn't change her mind about him. This pleased him no end. He behaved himself very strangely and hid in the bathroom to change into his party gear. Marley told him she'd wring his neck if he'd bought something just to impress Donna. He emerged claiming his garb would knock Donna's socks off. It's just a pair of track pants. "well, she told me not to dress."

Victoria confronted Donna about her sneaky adding to the plot without her. Donna tried to send her and Bridget to the butcher. Victoria is not looking forward to the evening.

Carter sat with Grant. Nobody died. Grant made a speech about life being short and doing right for loved ones being important. He told him to take care of the rest of the Todds and Hardings and Masons. It was too too father and son touching.

Daniel took Sally to aunt Liz'. He told her he'd give her a call. Aunt Liz was extremely unthrilled. Kevin came dashing out. When Sally told him it was going to snow he said he had to call Catlin. He was put off and banished to his room so Sally could yell at at Liz about letting Catlin see Kevin. Liz said Catlin had been devastated by her flight. Sally said it hadn't been much fun for her. She's calling Catlin to nip emotional blackmail in the bud.

Brittany had dinner with Peter at the Northwoods Inn. She complained about how much she hated Christmas and then gushed and behaved disgustingly when he promised she could come to the Mansion for Christmas dinner. He also promised to take her Christmas shopping and went to tell his office he'd be unavailable this afternoon. She called Larry over and asked what Catlin was up to. He told her to quit following him [Catlin] around. Catlin is late for a business meeting. When Peter returned Brittany told him she'd have to cancel on the shopping because she had to meet someone important.

Sally told Catlin not to promise Kevin impossible things like happy family Christmases. He wants these things to be made possible by talking things out in person. She doesn't. This is His Fault. He smashed the phone against the wall.

Mac came home to his wife.

Donna has flown in Ned and put him up in a hotel. She's paying him for something. Neither of them likes Jake. Enter Victoria unexpectedly. Donna immediately adopted a hysterical attitude and explained that Ned was trying to blackmail them. She packed an incredulous Victoria off and told Ned he was to do just as she said.

Larry is trying to stall the perspective clients until Catlin's arrival by telling jokes. Nobody laughs. He was very apologetic. They decided to leave without Catlin. The clients went on ahead. Catlin rushed in and Larry told him off before fleeing himself. Catlin devoted himself to the bar.

Mac promised Amanda he'd be home for Christmas and come to her school play on December 20th. The Corys are glad Carl is dead. Mack showed Rachel a photograph of Chris and Nancy's treasure. She was impressed. She suggested it be put on public display in the museum. They decided to speak to the proper authorities.

Carter told Tom & Quinn & Dee that Grant was fine and went to practice. He plans to beat some sort of record which is incomprehensible to me. Marley and Jake arrived as he was on his way out. Tom & Quinn & Dee are less certain of Grant's condition than Carter is. Tom and Quinn went in to visit. Dee was told about the dinner. She was shocked by Jake's tie. "Jake, you're caving in." He plans to win Donna over.

Brittany waited until Catlin was fairly sloshed before approaching him. He was amiable and invited her to join him before relapsing into gloom because of Sally & Kevin. She assured him Sally was a Scrooge and helped him out intending to drive him home. He was belligerent at first but she talked him round.

Sally gazed morosely out the window and thought about Fun in The Snow with Catlin and Kevin, mostly Catlin. Kevin came in and asked for his sled. They'd left it at the cabin so he thought it would be a good idea to go sledding with Catlin. She gave in.

Victoria is wildly nervous about Donna and told Bridget about Ned. The doorbell rang. Victoria ran to change.

Chris told the family Grant was still critical. Tom and Quinn told Grant he'd be fine. Grant told Tom to take care of Carter. "He's a good boy, my son. Sometimes he can be real DUMB."

Brittany helped Catlin up to the cabin. He muttered incessantly about Sally's goodness and sweetness and kindness as he collapsed on the itty bitty sofa and into unconsciousness. She told him Sally was nothing but trouble to him and he'd been blind. She hovered over him and said she understood him like no one else and one day he'd realize that. When Sally came to the door Brittany bared her shoulders and told her she was persona non grata. Sally went off madly wounded and Brittany returned to her post.

Bridget took Jake aside to warn him to watch his back. Donna was the gracious hostess to the hilt.


