August 9, 1985

Larry called an ambulance himself.

The films shown capture what Kathleen is thinking. She is always in control and she knows how to stop the process. She was left alone to think about who she wants to be.

Victoria called the Lassiter Arms to see if Marley were in yet. She's not. Victoria's scared Marley will run into some sort of TROUBLE in Lassiter.

The bus is stopped. Woman: Say, did you ever see that movie Bus Stop? Maybe there will be this really good-looking cowboy just waiting to sweep me off my feet. What was his name? He was cute. Marley: It was Don Murray. HELLO? Woman: I could get over the fact that this trip is taking three times as long as it should if whoever walks into this place is as good or better looking than Don Murray. [Enter a middle-aged balding man.]. Man: You want something? Woman: That ain't it. She & Marley sat down to eat. The woman accused Marley of going to Lassiter to meet a gorgeous he-creature. Marley denied the existence of any he-creature anywhere. Enter Jake. Woman: (aside) BETTER. BETTER THAN DON MURRAY. Jake told Marley he'd come to get her. She asked how he'd known. He said Victoria and then the bus terminal had informed him. He professed no specific knowledge of Lassiter (curious considering he's known to've grown up there) and suggested they go to his friend's farm in Ohio. She told him about Vic's bus ticket. He wants to take her away.

Vic was forced to tell Bridget she'd run afoul of someone called Ned and if he mistook Marley for her there'd be trouble. Enter Donna. Bridget's in a state. She left to call Gibbs.

Kathleen thought about her mother, a truly beautiful woman. Natural and serene. A picture of her mother appeared on the wall. She thought about her poem again. The voice told her to think of nothing.

Brittany told Jimmy she went for exciting men like him and knew he knew she'd been eyeing him all along. She purred and cozied up to him saying "oh, baby" a lot as he kissed her. Meantime she reached for the syringe but he caught her saying he'd seen through her. She spit on him again. He encouraged her to struggle. He likes it.

Kathleen thought about her wonderful parents and their wonderful marriage. She wishes she were more like her mother. She wants to share life. She thought about kissing Cass and suddenly said NO. She wants to stop now. Michaud will see her.

Michaud arrived before Gibbs. Bridget showed him in. Gibbs knocked at the back door. He's in a baseball cap and butler glad rags. He's somewhat deaf. He reminded her no cheques.

Marley invited Jake to come with her. He got on a chauvinistic hobbyhorse. She got indignant. He told her he'd heard Lassiter had been invaded by killer snakes. She doesn't believe him. The bus has a flat tire. Jake's going to spend the delay trying to talk her round. She craftily suggested they play pinball and whoever won would decide where she went. He agreed. "Oh now let's see, which one of these clever little levers do I pull?" said she innocently.

Jimmy injected Britt and took to kissing her. Enter Catlin with a gun. Jimmy pulled a knife on Britt. He made Catlin put the gun down and kick it away. He asked what Jimmy'd done to Britt. "We were having a party... I gave her something to have a little more fun... but you know what? I don't know if it worked." Britt is in a bad way, natch.

Marley beat Jake by 387 pts. He's not thrilled. She used to play with Ben. She's deadly cute about the talent. He tried to kiss her into submission (last ditch plea).

Donna got Victoria to leave her and Michaud alone. She was on the verge of bringing up the job when Gibbs staggered in and wheezed that she'd been robbed.

Marley's friend is on Jake's side. Jake tried to coerce Marley into coming with him by telling her how much he cared. She boarded the bus. He followed.

Daniel and Kathleen had lunch in a gazebo. He built it for her. she's ill at ease. He's trying to bolster her confidence.

They got the manand passed but no one knows where Catherine is.

Catlin told Jimmy he'd get him off if he let him get Britt out. He told him Tommy Lee was dead. The jig is up. Catlin lunged at him. He struggled with the gun. Jimmy was shot in the stomach. He fell down dead.

Daniel took Kathleen home. A long distance call came from Cass. She refused to take it. She's tired. Daniel offered to tuck her in. She declined. He left. "What a piece of work is Dan. How noble in reason... Not like you, Cass."

Commotion at the Loves. The police came. It turns out Gibbs panicked at the sight of the empty wine cellar. Nothing was actually stolen. Donna told Bridget to show Gibbs out and serve the caviar. Easier said than done. Gibbs apparently mistook the caviar for coffee grounds and threw it out. Donna laughed the whole business off. She threw caution to the winds and suggested flat out Michaud hire her. He refused and said he'd arrange for her to be on the board of directors. She must however buy 1000 shares of stock. She laughed and laughed.

Jimmy's dead. Catlin is unconscious and bleeding at the temple at the foot of the bed. Britt's fading fast and fumbling with the phone.

Marley's friend thinks Jake will wait for her. She's surprised Lassiter is more important than being with someone one loves and who loves one enough to ride across the country. Marley said it was too late anyway. Her friend smilingly indicated Jake riding alongside the bus. Marley giggled.


