November 5, 1984

Cass is being choked by Rocco. Kathleen's picture was in the paper with the Tuna. She made a date with him. Dinner. Soon. The Tuna left. Cass forbade Kathleen to try to get money out of the Tuna. She isn't listening.

Catlin and Sally marveling at the beauty of some place or another. She said she wishes they were on their honeymoon. He said he'd take her back to town and then try to find out where the mysterious ranch is. She said there was no way he was dumping her. (In the course of this argument it became apparent that Sally encouraged Catlin to pretend to fall off a cliff on Friday. For Vida's benefit: Sally says her clothes are a wreck.) They've found some sort of leather pouch. She tried to flip him him but it didn't work.

Hunt Bradshaw's father is determined to keep his son uncharged but he's not come home. Mac is annoyed by this. Mr. Bradshaw wants to file charges that the party was improperly supervised. (Nice try.)

Cass' mind is running on Cecile. Kathleen is thinking about the money. They're yelling. Kathleen (for the umpteenth time) gave up on Cass' preoccupation with Cecile. She says Cecile probably left to get away from him. She left too.

Ross yelled at someone for not being able to kill Catlin and Sally. Some strange man said he wouldn't tolerate hoodlum tactics. (They called him patrón.) Ross is desperate to kill Catlin. They got the horse safe.

Sally called Catlin "The man I'm going to marry." he didn't panic or confirm it or anything. They had an argument about calling the duck "Quacks" or "Fluffy". Sally won. Fluffy it is. Catlin got a wicked gleam in his eyes and said that sounded like a pillow. She refused to let him pluck the duck and threatened to use him as a pillow. He said "Is that promise?" she said "That is a threat." he said he didn't scare that easy. He went scrounging for food. (Before scrounging he pursued her around a bale of hay.)

Carl spoke to a man on Majorca over the phone. He wants Catlin and Sally dealt with as non violently as possible. Sandy overheard. He didn't let on he overheard he hinted that he would be willing to help Carl in any way possible.

Kathleen talked Jamie into buying her stock in Winthrop for $50,000.

Mac deplores Mr. Bradshaw's lack of personal involvement with his son.

Catlin and Sally have a clue. The leather pouch they've got has a crest with three rings on it. They're eating cactus pears. He was going to sleep but she said she wasn't tired. (He perked right up at that. "Ooo. Even better" he said and kissed her.) She reminded him of what he said about perfection. She said the barn wasn't her idea of perfection and he said (in this really pitiful voice) "It's not?" Sally: no, not even close. Catlin: come on, Sally. There's perfect, and then there's perfect, you know? Sally: Catlin, no. Catlin: no? Sally: you know, this place is pretty awful.

Mac told Hunt off. Hunt apologized profusely. Mac insisted that Hunt call him if he had any trouble or just wanted to talk. (He said "You call me" about 20 times.)

Sandy told Brian what he heard. He's confident that Carl will confide in him soon.

Wallingford remembered a few things. He said things about macho peaches. Cass thinks Cecile is in Peru, too. (This beats me. These men and their obsessions with Peru.)

Sally managed to find a candle which they have got lit on a bale of hay many meters off. Catlin: well we'd better watch it. Candles in barns are not such a good idea. Sally: you watch it. I'll watch you. (They're sitting together, very close.) Catlin: You better be careful. Its starting to get a little too perfect in here. You know, I think we better get out of here tomorrow. This is a little too close to the meadow, and I think our "Friends" will be showing up sooner or later. Sally: it's too bad. I was just starting to get cozy. Catlin: cozy? Didn't you just complain about not being in a five-star hotel? Sally: I'm adaptable. Catlin: beautiful, too. Sally: Well maybe--perfection is not all it's cracked up to be. (These various bits are interspersed with kissing which I have seen fit to leave out. If you want smut, you has to go elsewhere.) Catlin: that's what I've been trying to say. Sally: maybe we were just being -- childish. Catlin: Well I'm willing to grow up. Sally: I mean, what's the difference where we are, right, as long as we're together. Catlin: Uh-uh. And we are together. (I get the feeling Catlin is not really concentrating on what she's saying so much as her neck.) Sally: Nothing in life is perfect. Catlin: No, nothing. Sally: Life is a compromise. Even I'm not perfect. Catlin: Oh, if you don't mean to say that. Sally: Why not? It's true. Catlin: Well I'll take you just the way you are. Sally: I mean, who is perfect? Catlin: Sally, shut up. (She has now given him her full attention and with that her face as opposed to her neck.) Catlin got up to put out the candle and inadvertently knocked down the building. So much for perfection. (Just before the barn started falling down around their ears Sally pronounced it perfect.)

Kathleen and MJ discussed Jamie's merits over milk and cookies. MJ doesn't trust Cass.

Catlin and Sally's barn was not completely destroyed. However there is now a hole in the roof through which it is raining on their no longer perfect parade.


