Felicia told Wally to think of a theme for the party. He suggested football and said they could bring William "The Refrigerator" Perry up in the freight elevator. Cass told them they were crazy. (Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy.) Cass tried to flee for the Complex. Enter the undead brother. Felicia and Wally introduced him to Cass and said they had a lot in common and would love each other. (Cass has never raped anyone, so far as I know, although he was briefly dead when Lily and Wally suggested to Tony the Tuna that he had died in a bullfight on Majorca.)
Rachel tried to redirect Mac and did not tell on Sam.
Victoria rushed downstairs with Peter on her heels, and was taken aback to find Donna alone in the drawing room. Donna was concerned. Michael's secretary, Jane Falkland, dropped in. She is greatly devoted to run-on sentences, it seems. Donna took her into the study. Peter commended Victoria for her willingness to do what was right.
Felicia told John about the Kathleen fund. She intends Viet Nam vets to be a Cause. John refused to be spokesman. He has seen scams. Felicia warned him not to go.
Mac reviewed Sam's revisions. He admitted he needed someone of Sam's apparent calibre, but there's the insubordination thing, and the conservative advertisers are freaking out. Rachel said their circulation was too good for anyone to want to pull out. Enter Mitch. Mac asked his opinion of Sam's new format. Mitch hesitated to commit himself, lest he antagonise Mac.
Peter embraced Victoria in a comforting fashion. He assured her Michael would survive the shock. Donna came in and asked to talk to Victoria alone. Peter left. Donna told Victoria she could tell her what was troubling her.
Felicia forced John to hear her out. She intends Kathleen's money to go to the vet organisation in the direst straits. She admitted Michael had put it into her head. They kept at it until John had no arguments left. He insisted he wouldn't make a speech.
Mac has paranoid delusions. He's afraid Sam was planted by the opposition. Julie Ann summoned Mac to a meeting. Rachel is cross. Sam burst in. Rachel snapped at him for failure to knock. Mitch warned Sam to watch his step and not his inflated ego. (I am going to be fair here and admit that Sam is not as arrogant as I had at first supposed. He seems honestly to believe that Mac told him he could revise the format, and honestly contrite, so I will overlook the fact that it was an arrogant assumption. A sort of "Sam Superbus".)
Mac ran into Amanda in the hall. Her official job title is 'floater'. He kept going. Julie Ann showed Amanda a notice on the notice board that layout needed a runner. She urged her to go for it. Amanda said she'd rather stay close to her dad. She thought about her first meeting with Sam.
Mitch advised Sam not to make any waves. Sam was alarmingly eager to please, although he announced what a good artist he was.
Victoria told Donna she made her sick and accused her of having abandoned Michael. She thinks she should be more interested in his business. John came in in the middle of this. Victoria made pointed remarks. John and Donna tried to calm her down. Donna asked John to leave and told Victoria to spit it out.
Mac dictated apologetic letters to Julie Ann. He kidded around with Rachel. They left when Amanda came in. Julie Ann never shuts up talking about layout. Amanda was not interested, so when she left Julie Ann called personnel and applied for the runner's position on her behalf.
Rachel went to see Sam. He was toying with ideas for a new banner. She got upset but he assured her he wouldn't do anything without Mac's approval. She admitted his ideas were good. Mac came in and let Sam off the hook, because reader response was lavish in its praise. (I cannot approve, as I do not love Sam.) Mac rejoiced. Then he saw the banner . . .
Victoria fled. John returned. Donna told John Victoria must know about Them. John told her she should be able to convince Victoria there had never been anything between them since she was convinced of it herself. She said Michael had told her to rent him a tuxedo for the party and he would insist on their going together. Jane came back. Her car won't start. John offered her a lift. Jane said, "Golly, what a nice person," when he went to get the car. Donna got an idea.
Peter reported to his father. Felicia attacked him when he got off the phone and asked when she could expect his contribution to the fund. He was cornered. He left. Mitch advised Felicia to talk to a lawyer. Felicia was stunned. Cass asked Wally about Mitch.
Bridget told Victoria she looked just the way she did the time she was seven and her best friend Jessica dumped her for no apparent reason. After a few days she pulled herself together and told Jessica off. Bridget loves her and Michael is a terrific father. Strong male influence, and all that. Victoria fretted. Bridget said it might do her good to get out more. Victoria complained that she didn't have a car. Donna overheard and said she had an idea. Victoria ran into the other room.
Mac told Sam he'd think about it and asked to see more. Then he made Rachel come to the door with him and told Sam maybe he'd let him change everything to suit him. The Corys left. Sam beamed.
Julie Ann told Amanda she was on the runner list. Amanda was unthrilled.
Donna picked out a dress for Jane. John came back in. Donna has set them up so John will have a date for the fund. He very politely backed Donna up when she assured Jane he would be pleased. Jane is a nice unobtrusive little blonde. John sent her on ahead and let Donna know it had been a little high-handed of her.