October 3, 1986

Matthew told Mac Rachel and Mitch had been fighting in the bedroom.

MJ told Adam and Cass to stop fighting.

Reginald is thrilled to be leaving town. Peter dropped by to ask if he'd tried to kill Michael.

There is no real evidence of sabotage. Jamie told Michael he wasn't getting out of bed. He enlisted Catlin's help. Michael protested. He subsided when Donna appeared.

Vince thinks something's up. He left for the cemetery although Maisie told him he was living in the past.

Scott told Cheryl his parents were leaving town tonight.

Reginald feigned innocence. He told Peter he would hound Michael until his death for having sullied Donna. Marissa appeared. She had some idea of trying again to patch things up. Peter told her about Michael's accident. She told Reginald to comfort Donna. He told her Donna had made him promise to stay away. She said she'd go.

Mac got upset. Matthew was stressed. Rachel appeared as he was telling Mac that Mitch had yelled at her to put her clothes on.

Felicia bugged Mitch about his bugging Mac and Rachel until Kathleen dragged her away to complain because the fiancé, the sister, and the boyfriend of the sister were nowhere to be found.

Adam reassured Cass about the qualifications of their pathologist. They heard the news about Michael on the radio. Adam fled. MJ has a bad feeling.

Mac confronted Rachel. They argued. She told him what had happened. He refused to believe her. She tried to show him the photograph. He's decided not to give anyone the benefit of the doubt any more. He yelled a lot. Enter Matthew.

Scott dropped by to apologise to Reginald. Reginald forgave him. He told him he and Mary had loved him since he was three years old. Scott was the son he always wanted. They bade each other farewell.

Adam was pleased to see Jamie his cousin. Jamie told Michael he couldn't go home tonight. He took Donna out. Catlin and Michael chatted with Adam. They all suspect Reginald.

Donna thought about Reginald's threats. She was slightly uncivil to Marissa when she showed up to offer comfort.

Dr Latham told Cass and MJ they'd found a woman's hair and a lot of fingerprints, mostly Reginald's. Cass checked to see who else had left prints. MARY MCKINNON was in that room. MJ wants to know what happened. She said she had to be with her family.

The bakery send a cake saying CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR HOLE IN ONE. Kathleen threw Cheryl and Scott together over the re-icing.

Julie's brother is Zach Edwards. Her father is keeping Vince busy.

Felicia apologised to Mitch. (Felicia: this whole thing with Mac and Rachel was just has just been frustrating. Mitch: I'm used to frustrating. Felicia: frustrating other people? Mitch: no, being frustrated. Felicia: frustration. You are used to frustration. Mitch: I stand corrected. (Frustrating and its cognates get very weird after being written out several million times.)) They admired the moon. She asked him to stay for Vince's party. He said he had to be at the Corys' at dawn.

Mac and Matthew had a little chat about broken homes. Matthew said he liked Mitch but he felt guilty. Mac assured him he didn't need to feel guilty. He asked to see the photograph. Rachel went to run an errand.

Mary was nice to Donna. Donna told her to go away because she hated her father. Mary told her Reginald didn't hate her. Donna was confused when she mentioned the nasty letter she'd written. Jamie and Catlin appeared. Mary fled muttering something about the McKinnons.

Cass told Adam what they'd found out. Adam made noises about hastening to MJ's side.

MJ arrived at Mary's place and told Kathleen what they'd found out. It's not nice to have had their suspicions confirmed. They cried a little.

Peter told Reginald Donna hadn't recognised Mary and Mary was headed to the McKinnons'.

Scott and Cheryl licked the frosting from her fingers. I was revolted.

The McKinnon girls put on a brave front. Vince arrived. Everyone yelled SURPRISE. Vince was thrilled.

Rachel dropped in on Mitch.

Everyone sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Marissa rushed in. Vince stared. Everyone fell silent. "I must be dreaming" he said.


