Ottawa GAT to Sierra Leone 2010

Words of knowledge
Get your flag!

Emma Dupigny, Norwich 1986: Ps 119:18 - "Open my eyes, so that I may see the wonderful truths in your law." Amen! Amen! - written in Tony's Bible. Emma, in Freetown, and Tony in Ottawa have stayed in touch ever since, not really expecting to meet again in this life.

Missionary Gladys McGarrell to Laurie-Ann August 1994: "God's giving you a heart for Africa ... Have you ever heard of Sierra Leone?"

July 2005: L-A's sense of taking Alpha to Sierra Leone after we finished an Alpha mission in Migori, Kenya

November 2009 at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship: "EXPECT God to give you surprises [on the Sierra Leone trip]. These surprises could be provision, equipping, empowering, and other big things - not just for you, but for your husband and your team." Senses of 'expect' and 'expectation' in L-A's devotional times.

March 2010: Preparation scripture for our team: Psalm 5:3 "In the morning O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in EXPECTATION."

Patricia King, Extreme 16 March 2010: Video: See the second item she raises
Transcript: "There's also someone that I see, you're going to be on a mission trip to Africa pretty soon, and the Lord says, Get prayed up, because miracles are going to happen through you. You're going to see miracles right before your eyes. As you take the steps of faith, you're going to see miracles of healing, of deliverance and of freedom. You're going to see miracles of provision, it's going to be amazing. So start praying now, sowing into the Spirit for this trip that you're going on, and go with expectation. So when you see a need, bring about the answer for that need by faith, receiving from God what is needed for those individuals' lives and you will see miracles right before your eyes. So go, and prepare in Jesus' name."


Sierra Leone GAT 2010