Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa
Tara Players
Theatre of Ottawa
Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa

Director's comments on
"Happy Birthday, Dear Alice!"

Performance dates: Feb 20 - 23, and Feb 28 - Mar 2, 2002

  John Collins is directing this year. This is what he has to say about his current production:

I'm not going to tell you what the play's about . . . that's why you come to the theatre, after all. I would, however, like to give you my opinion of some of what this play is about. This is a story about families and relationships, about conflict, suspicion, egos . . . it's a story about people doing their best against seemingly insurmountable odds, and about misdirected energies and misguided intentions. And it's a story about love. Happy Birthday, Dear Alice is hearbreaking drama wrapped in comedy, cloaked in mystery, and underscored by irony, egoing the everyday, and celebrating the extraordinary. Bernard Farrell has given us all of the ingredients for a lovely, light dessert with dark riches just a spoonful deeper, and I hope the process we've put his words through gives you a good helping of both.

John Collins

Cast | Directors Comments | Dress Rehearsal
