The Divided Self

Jim Larwill

Canadian Shield Chapbooks II.



The Divided Self


I guess i should give you a cheque.


I didn't forget my book this time:

Remember my first session?

Must have been ten years ago now,

seems like yesterday, only yesterday

i was searching through yellow pages

in a panic, because after discovering

life wasn't perfect i got

a little despondent.


I didn't want to face it alone.


So i phoned.


Made an appointment.


Your soft voice said to

“come right away”

there had been a cancellation.


Before i knew it,

i was sitting in your waiting-room,

clock radio next to me drowning out

Text Box: real and imagined secret rituals
taking place behind the closed door
of the inner sanctum.

That door right there, i watched it
from the other side until it opened
expelling two smiling people,
one left, and i got my turn;
striped candy i had found
in the dish next to the radio
mixing with bitter juices of my mouth
sweetening my breath
as your hand, damp and warm,
pulled me inwards.

As you closed the door 
i heard the radio outside.


If we are quiet, you can hear it now.

See, there it is.
Text Box: You had become very, very angry,
but you didn't show it,
only smiled, and said;

		“This is science,
		not the word of god,
		but of truth
		and salvation comes
		not from religion,
		but through the individual."

Then i got a strange impulse to say 
something about modern capitalist
society; but the time was up and you 
handed me a book about how there
are Gods and Goddesses in every
man and woman,
which are mostly Greek,
and i went home in less pain
but still very, very confused.

The next session you drew icons
on Formica with a magic marker;
Text Box: So i decided to speak softly,
if at all
as with Benedictine gestures
you bid me to sit,
your face, lit from above
as if by some

Seated i slowly began
to whisper tears
of pain
of confusion
of disappointment and rage,
and you told me,
in a matter of fact sort of way,
that life isn't perfect.

So i sat in silence
and you began to teach me;
tone of your voice
Text Box: that of a higher knowledge;
and it struck me,
for the first time,
i could be saved
and you could do it,
and i wanted to be saved,
and i would be saved,
so i put my psyche in your hands;
You were my priest
and Your words were the New Words
of the New Truth.

I couldn't contain myself.


Remember how i jumped up;

shouted.... Hallelujah,
	        	 i am saved,
                  there is still religion
		and you are its priest!"

And then there was silence.