Old Growth

Jim Larwill

Canadian Shield Chapbooks I.

Text Box:               	Take me


			   across spirit

			   of my land

	                    upon mirrored lakes

             let me see


	                             many selves

	        bent over water’s edge

	                   our branches
       	                             weaving us together

               Roots   protecting   collective   soil.

Text Box:                         long vibrating
                              loon calls

         insane replies

                                              my son upon
                                    a rock in youth

                          calls back

                 four days away
                                       he seems more human.
Text Box: They say the old growth forest
was all floated away

   -      square timbers down
          spring rivers
          to build ships
          for England's War	        Napoleon

   -   saw logs by rail
          to build towns
          in the American west     Crazy Horse

and all this valley's old
growth forest is gone
but here in front of me I kneel
before this stump
and behind the flicker
of dense young leaves
catch white glimpses
of long flowing hair
old man with the beard
looking almost child-like
and all this valley's old growth is gone,

Text Box: only there are times
when I walk Algonquin trails
and a round velvet mound
crosses the portage
earth a texture of soft ground cork
dry, sweet and fragrant
asking me to release weight of shoulders
rest the canoe by the trail
stand firm footed
upon an almost hidden circle
look skyward
to see no sky

and for that moment know
the slug will pause
upon the pinnacle of assent

to touch   a breathless   immortality 
Text Box:                 OLD GROWTH

           Tree stump rot
	               red ochre citadel
	  lichen turrets
		    in bloom moss palisades
	        a castle  dissolves
      six chopped feet across
                     and a hundred years   extinct

      no longer cloud tickling
                                 but bursting with   life

   claw root base
   fingered with flat needled balsam
   on southern slope
   single toddler sister shivers
   in breeze coming off the lake
Text Box: up out of the north end
of this heritage in decay
two birch trees grow high

one snapped                thirty feet up

white paper trunk


                                   with rows

                                             of fungus
this secondary growth
already mature and dying

old master of the wood still here
her roots becoming soil
as small maples seedle up crest of time

    a brown slug
                            translucent sovereign

glistens with regal light
as it wonders and wanders
an endless domain.
Text Box:                Silent
                  blue lite
                  evening water

      fire steams

Emerald rock resting this portaged back.