My Moist Red Tongue 2

Jim Larwill

Canadian Shield Chapbooks I.

Text Box:            Pavlov Effect 1

ringring         meat         drool         dog
ringring         meat         drool         dog
ringring         meat         drool         dog
ringring                      drool        dog
ringring                    drool      dog
ringring                 drool      dog
ringring              drool      dog
ringring         drool      dog
ringring         drool      dog
ringring                                         dog

Signification is a drooling bell.
And I want my God dam meat
and to know who the hell
is ringing that bell.
Text Box:             Pavlov Effect 2

 Cokacola        cunt        drool        man
 Cokacola        cunt        drool        man
 Cokacola         cunt        drool        man
 Cokacola                   drool        man
 Cokacola                 drool        man
 Cokacola             drool        man
 Cokacola          drool       man
 Cokacola        drool     man
 Cokacola        drool     man
 Cokacola                                      man

Cokacola is the drool of capitalism.
And I want the
Real thing.

sometimes when it is raining
		           in the middle of winter
sometimes when your car
		           won't start
sometimes the phone calls
		            leave you disconnected
sometimes you just what her
		            to be happy
sometimes children all speak
		             in tongues

sometimes there are
		             seven stars

and in the night I hear
voice of a man, his tongue split,
his cloths torn, and he is kneeling
before a sea of broken glass
fragments in talons of an eagle
slashing throat of a lion
to rhythm of a bawling calf
Text Box: and   the book is open
and   I have no tears to give
and   I know

      if I had   a white horse
      if I had   a bow
      if I had   a golden crown

I would   conquer

I would   call upon the black horse
                    take the sword
                    look into the Face
                    tip the scales

I would   sing of satyragraha and my
                    devotion to truth
               sing of being saved
                    from my own patience

ringing    to beat of hammer and tong

praying   for the moon to turn red
                     and the sun to be covered
                     in sackcloth 
Text Box: let   stars fall from the heavens
let   fire mingle with hail and blood
let   me rip the pages one by one
          fill my belly with bitter flesh
          as my teeth mutilate these images
          squeezing the honey from words
          as I dance and I dance
          taking into my hand
          claw of angels

my voice  prophesying to many peoples
          in all tongues, speaking
          of nations and every last
          shareholder for

someday  it will not rain
           in the middle of winter
someday  I will have nowhere
           to go
someday  I will pull the cord
           from the wall
someday  I will remember
           how to be angry

ripping Christ down from the cross
            to crucify Buddha
Text Box: TIN-MAN

The tin-man
                      is on the far roof
                                                 eye on the job

dressed in coverall blue.

Last time I saw
                     this tin-man
                                    these townhouse roofs
were covered
                       in a Siberia
                                               of snow.
I climbed
                    three stories
                                          one rung at a time

and stepped from one reality     onto

wind swept plain       of another.

The tin-man
                    half a roof away
                                               looked like

a Russian tank commander
Text Box: I walked over
                  he pinched
                              his hand-rolled cigarette
turned away
              looked over Ottawa
                                     to the Gatineau hills.

The wind continued
                    to blow across a roof
                                             that had leaked
in the dead of winter.

I thought to myself
                 this sure isn't California
                              and shouted into the wind

                    " Flat roof "

Across from me
                  the tin-man pulled
                                    the butt from his lips

                   " Architect "

and from the end of his tongue
                      spat a strand of tobacco
                                                 into the wind.