My Moist Red Tongue

Jim Larwill

Canadian Shield Chapbooks I.

Text Box: James William Mayakovsky

I stagger lonely as a cloud
        a thunderstorm in trousers
thirty-nine and still a virgin
        my syphilitic nose proclaiming
I rather die of rye
                                     than Prozack.

Here in the reading room
         of the information highway
I like to watch little children die
         ten thousand at a glance,
crushed by sparkling wave
         of laughter's tide
filling me with
                           the bliss of solitude.
Text Box: All around people lie
         like crumpled pieces of paper
thrown under tables
        where fax machines and lap tops
eat supper and order
	                                   another beer.

A poet could not but be gay
	         singing out words of warning
holding hands with a host of icons
	          looking into a screen
where the Stars will always shine, 
                             when they are told to.
Text Box:              MATERIALIZATION 

Like sculpting clouds
                           or shouting in the wind
  the air is broken
                           bit by bit into bands
  as we all sing
                           the other tune

  shapes come                   and shapes go

	       I have no leg to write upon
	       this silence before storm


		             have I made my point?
and if redundancy is a crime
it is only because a man stands
at a clock and winds

	                prestige is mine
	 if             you give it to me
	 watch     I'll be there
	 when      you look hard

Text Box: I always was     and never will

sole numerical  consideration
		    yield instinct
		    worship diversity

divest the resources of the mind
	  my power grows in proportion
                  with the glory of information

and revolution ends
as belief begins
permanent and changing
pillars of civilization
small blocks making curves
large ones a wall


bone of man

rib of woman		          liberty
		              King liberty
Text Box: democracy       will of the individual
                          read over your body
                          like golden corpse
                          of a Roman emperor

art of governing

science of employing words

signification   a drooling bell

vein sound     relieves you of obligation              

                        to the truth

let me take you away
from the common place
traverse free from reflection

the mirror is          false
objectification       hell
who wood              want to burn
read the world       instead of me

you could escape


a wingless fly
eight legged
I walk the web
with every vibration
this tickled tongue of meaning
and I pass other flies

who buzz
and buzz
and buzz

so I stop
whisper in their ears

"beware, beware,
the web has meaning"

and they buzz

Text Box: "you are the one, you are the one
you should beware, you have no wing
you are stuck, if this was a web
there would be spiders"

so I walk on
listen to
endless vibration
search for meaning
my drooling stomach rings

"beware, beware,
the web has meaning"

in desperation
from point to point
I stretch long threads
my message
left behind

"beware, beware,
the web has meaning"