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Aug 9, 2008 - Indian Lake to Mowat Landing - 17 km paddle

Sure enough, about 01:00, it started raining so we jumped out into the mosquitos to put the fly on the tent. It rained on and off all night and we were awoken several times by a beaver splashing in the water near our tent. It stopped raining in the morning, and we slept in a bit, not wanting to leave the safety of our shelter into the mosquito hell around us. Nevertheless, hunger finally won and we got up to cook a hasty breakfast and pack up camp for the last time. We got on the water with a gentle tailwind to push us along. We paddled down the Montreal River, seeing very little except for swampy shoreline and a group of 5 canoes from a boy scout troop. We had lunch on the water in a sheltered bay as there was nowhere available to land. Despite it being Saturday, there was almost nobody except for us and the scout group. The last half hour started to rain. We arrived at Mowat Landing to total chaos of motor boats, cars, fat people standing around, and we even had to paddle quickly out of the way as a float plane landed while on a collision course with us. We beached the boat and talked to another group of three canoeists who were just departing on virtually the same trip that we had just completed. There was no way to get the car down to the shore due to the sheer number of people and vehicles in the way so we did one last portage to the car. Loaded up and drove back to the outfitter, followed by a long drive home.

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