What to Do When Death Occurs

When death occurs, the doctor in attendance will declare the person dead and fill out a death certificate. If death occurs at a time when no doctor is present, call a doctor or a funeral home. They will assess the situation and make the necesary arrangements. Do not call 911. Death in a home can be unsuspected or anticipated.What usually happens in a home is that a spouse is suddenly found dead and the surviving spouse, not knowing what to do, calls 911. This, of course, brings on all the bells and whistles; the police, the ambulance, the emergency response team, etc, causing an unnecessary tax on resources and much confusion.

Check List

Assuming that the deceased belonged to a memorial society and that the matters above have been taken care of, there still remain numerous details, many of which can be taken care of by friends. On the list below scratch off the items that do not apply and check off the others as they are taken care of.

{ } Obtain several original death certificates or burial certificates (not photocopies) from the undertaker - usually available after the memorial service, or from the doctor.
{ } Ensure there is enough cash available to surviving spouse, etc. to cover day to day expenses-eg. withdraw funds from any joint bank account.
{ } Arrange for cancellation of deliveries, service calls, subscriptions, appointments, etc. on behalf of the deceased.
{ }Decide on the time and place of the funeral or memorial service(s).
{ }Make a list of immediate family, close friends, and employer or business colleagues, or last employer, if deceased was retired.
{ }If flowers are to be omitted, decide on an appropriate memorial to which gifts may be made; e.g. church, library, school, or favorite charity.
{ }Write the obituary. This often includes age, place of birth, cause of death, occupation or trade, education, memberships in societies, military service, hobbies, outstanding work, list of survivors, and other appropriate information. Give time and place of services. Deliver in person or by telephone to newspapers.
{ }Notify insurance companies including automobile insurance for immediate cancellation and available refund.
{ }Notify Old Age Security, Canada (Quebec) Pension, Spouses Allowance, Widowed Pension Allowance, Ontario Guaranteed Income System, Company Pension Plan, etc. Apply for Canada(Quebec) Pension Death Benefit.
{ } Arrange for family members or close friends to take turns answering the door and telephone, keeping careful records of each.
{ } Arrange for appropriate child care.
{ } Coordinate the supplying of food for the first few days.
{ }Consider special need of the household, such as cleaning, etc. which might be done by friends.
{ }Arrange hospitality for visiting relatives and friends from out of town.
{ }Select and notify pall bearers and honorary pall bearers, if desired.
{ }Notify lawyer and executor.
{ }Plan for disposition of flowers after the funeral (to a hospital, nursing home, or church). Remember that funeral homes may charge for this service.
{ }Prepare a list of distant persons to be notified by letter or printed notice, and decide which to send to each.
{ }Prepare a list of persons to receive acknowledgements of flowers, donations, calls, etc. and send them.
{ }Arrange for home security (sitter) during funeral home visitation and funeral because break-ins often occur after the death notice appears in the papers.

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