Funeral Information Society of Ottawa

Privacy Policy

The Funeral Information Society of Ottawa is committed to protect the privacy of its members, donors, volunteers, directors, employees, and other persons about or from whom the Society collects personal information.

Members and associates have given implied consent to the Society to collect, use, and retain personal information for all purposes of the Society that are consistent with the Society’s guiding principles as outlined in the Constitution of the Society. Any member may withdraw their consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual circumstances and with reasonable notice. Such notice may be by mail, e-mail or fax and must provide the Society with what personal information should be deleted.

Information collected will be limited to that required for the purposes identified by the Society and will not be sold to anyone else. It will be collected in an open, fair, and lawful manner.

Personal information will be protected by security safeguards such as locked filing cabinets, premises, and computers, and computer security software.

Personal information will be destroyed or erased one year after the Society has been informed of the death of the member but financial information will be retained as required by law.

Questions and concerns relating to the Society’s privacy policy should be directed to the executive secretary of the Society.

Further information on privacy and your rights in regard to your personal information may be found on the website of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at

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