OFNC Paddle on the South Nation River at Spencerville

July 7, 2022

This canoe trip was organized by Lynn Ovenden for the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club. Lynn is an experienced kayaker who has paddled here before. Joining her were Barbara and Bill Bowman in one canoe, Catherine Johns and Mary Sarumi in a second canoe, and Matt Dineen in his yellow kayak.

We met at the mill on the South Nation River in Spencerville at 9:00 am, and launched our vessels. It was a beautiful summer day with light breezes and almost no insects.

We paddled slowly for about 5 km upstream on the marshy river, pausing often to examine plants and birds. We met a young fellow in his canoe who told us about a family of otters, but we had to content ourselves with muskrats. Lynn showed us some aquatic plants that were mostly new to us. Colonies of Pickerel Weed and Swamp Milkweed lined the banks. Bird song was constant and very enjoyable. Some species we only heard, such as Veery, Swamp Sparrow, Scarlet Tanager and Red-bellied Woodpecker. Others did show themselves – Great Blue Heron, Eastern Kingbird, Common Yellowthroat, Wood Duck and Song Sparrow A family of Belted Kingfishers entertained us throughout the day.

At the Weir Road bridge, we turned around and headed back. Although it was the same route, the different perspective made it interesting.

We took out our canoes and kayaks, fixed them to our cars, and had lunch together at a lovely covered pavilion by the mill. Lynn got out her maps and intrigued us with plans for further trips.

It was a most enjoyable day!