Toronto, Point Pelee and Rondeau Trip

May 4 – Toronto to Point Pelee

After a simple breakfast, we packed up the Rogue in Wooles’s underground parking and headed out for Point Pelee.

We had an easy run on Hwy 401 until we came to the madman. A red van in the passing lane stopped right on the roadway with a white van behind it. Fortunately, we were well back and were able to stop in time. The madman was out of his vehicle haranguing the occupant of the white van and making threating gestures with his arms. By this time, the inner lane was clogged, so we wisely drove onto the left shoulder to go around the fracas. But the story is not over. We stopped for a washroom break at the Service Centre and Colin went to get a hot chocolate while the rest of us got in the Rogue and waited. When Colin came out, he mistook another red van for our Rogue and went to get in. Unfortunately, it was the van of the madman, who immediately jumped out and began haranguing poor Colin. Colin managed a quick retreat and jumped in with us. Thank goodness, we never saw the idiot again.

When we arrived at Pelee, it was too early to check into our Air B&B, so we went straight to the Park. We were able to purchase a group 3-day pass. We went to the Visitor Centre and checked the sightings on the board inside the tent.

We had our picnic at an outside table, and decided to hike the Shuster/Tilden trails. It was very quiet, so we photographed a lot of flowers. Finally, we spotted a Northern Waterthrush and a couple of Red-headed Woodpeckers that flew overhead and perched in the distance.

Back at the parking lot, we saw a few Cedar Waxwings eating fruit at a small shrub between the lanes.

With lots of time left, we decided to hike the Woodland Trail. A good thing we did. The sightings were much better with Nashville and Hooded Warblers, Gray-cheeked and Veery thrushes, and many stunning Yellow Warblers. Only the Prothonotary eluded us.

It was time to check into our Air B&B and prepare our leek soup and lasagne dinner. After dinner, we took a walk to view the amazing sunset over Lake Erie.