Toronto, Point Pelee and Rondeau Trip

May 3 – Ottawa to Toronto

We left Ottawa bright and early. We made a slight detour to try for the Lark Sparrow near Richmond, but were not successful.
Our first real stop was at the Ganaraska River at Port Hope to view the migrating Steelhead. The run was really over, but a few bedraggled stragglers were still milling about above the dam.

Our next stop was at Thickson’s Woods in Oshawa. The hoped-for swarm of warblers did not materialize, but we got a few nice birds, including two species of thrush (in addition to robin!)

Then it was on to Toronto to stay with our friends, Colin and Hilda Wooles. We took our things up to their 19th floor condo, then headed out to Marie Curtis Park to see a Least Bittern that they had scoped out for us.

Then it was off to Colonel Sam Smith Park for more birding before heading back to the Wooles’s to enjoy Hilda’s curried chicken dinner.