Executive Summary
Computer Crime Laws... What you need to know now!
Carleton University
Student: Peter Timusk B.Math, fourth year legal studies BA student.
Course: LAWS4305
Section: A
Term: Fall 2003
Date Due: November 20th, 2003
Date Submitted: November 20th, 2003
Laws are established for many crimes. Theft is as old
as the bible and sanctions against it are also as old. But computer hacking,
a new crime only some 50 years old at most, is being seen as a break and enter.1 It still has to be defined in comparison
to existing crimes. It is really an invasion of privacy. The Canadian Criminal
Code section 342.1 prohibits accessing a computer without authorisation.
The question is does this law work and are those breaking this law getting
the right punishment?
Bruce Sterling, a computer writer, traces computer hacking
back to the pranks that telephone switch boys used in 18782. Many histories of computer crime
start with phone freaking as the precursor to hacking. Phone freaking is stealing
long distance phone calls or other phone tricks which defraud the phone company
in a minor but clever way . There are books such as Approaching Zero that
give a history for hacking crimes along with some analysis of viruses.3 As well as this, the book
The Cuckoos Egg by Cliff Stoll covers just one case of hacking used as a tool
of espionage.4 Most of the hacking in
the past has included the crime of using a phone line and a modem to send
fraudulent or fake messages to computers such as logging into someone else's
The law has been slow to understand and react to changes
in technology. Perhaps lawyers and judges do not think the same way as engineers
and programmers.
Hackers are often employed in, or students of, the sciences,
engineering or computers. That hackers are teenagers is only one characteristic
that is, in fact, a slightly mythical stereotype rather than a proper factor
in a Computer Crime Adversarial Matrix. The F.B.I. has developed the Computer
Crime Adversarial Matrix for hacker characteristics that police or computer
security administrators may use to solve computer hacking crimes.5
Enforcement of the current laws.
Recently, perhaps the public is more aware of hacking
and most certainly the law is more aware. Section 342.1 is part of the criminal
code now in Canada. Police officers have the tool to bring charges with this
section. It will be some time before we see if this is appropriate law. In
1998/1999 there were 113 charges brought under section 342.1 which was the
highest number for this data, in 1999-2000 there were 43, and in 2000-2001
58 charges were brought under section 342.1. As noted by Kowlaski in her report
for the Centre for Justice Statistics there are no apparent trends in computer
crime from this data. She was looking at the number of charges brought
under sections 342.1, 342.2, 327, 430(1.1) and 326, for the years 1995-2001.6
Assessment of the existing laws.
The existing section 342.1 allows either summary conviction
or conviction by indictment for hacking. The British Law also has such
a division but further defines the actus reus and mens rea for choosing to
proceed with summary or indictment conviction.
In the British Computer Misuse Act (1990) the mens rea
for unauthorised access is intended access without authorisation.7 Intent to commit a further crime
steps up the charge to indictment in the British law. So unauthorised access
of a computer involving theft of money would be triable as an indictment,
as well as, being triable as a theft of money.8
Without the intent to commit the further crime the charge is only on summary
proceedings. This does not really add a technical or unfathomable dimension
to computer crime. Whereas, the actus reus is where the technical nature of
the crime comes to the fore.
The actus reas is the actual invasion of privacy and
would most often be committed accessing a computer by someone using a computer.
Thus a whole new field of forensic science has opened up to examine computers
and use computer hardware and software as evidence in these cases. The logs
of activity in both phones and computers can be great clues for the case.
Discussion of sentencing in hacking cases.
The cases of hacking quoted in the computer
crime literature have sentencing ranging from non-conviction to time in federal
prison in the case of Kevin Mitnick.9 The use of
a two tier system using summary and indictable charges allows for varying
the sentence depending on the seriousness of the offense. Often the sentence
has been a community service order, with probation, and a fine. There are
probably more summary convictions than indictments. Often cases of hacking
will be interpreted in the original sense of hacking as pranks and be tried
as mischief crimes rather than under hacking laws. There is really no evidence
to base these generalizations on rather there are publicized cases that seem
to affect a number of computer users as victims. When a computer virus affects
almost all Internet users the case is well published and the criminal is invariably
There have been some recent news stories in the computer
press suggesting that hackers are only receiving community service orders
as a sentence and that this is too lenient.10
But this report comes from an article in a California news source originating
in the heart of the computer industry region. This suggests that there is
an attempt going on to gain opinions from computer workers and computer business
that would generate a call for more punitive action. This locational aspect
of this report points to the capitalist nature of these charges in the first
place and their existence to protect the computer owner much more than the
computer user which is often not the same person. The term personal computer
does not really cover all the computers workers and students use in
workplaces and schools. It is just these places where these crimes are committed.
It maybe that victims tend to be computer owners but the contention is that
computer crime laws are being developed to protect capitalist income and assets
not any public safety standard nor anything more than a financial standard
of privacy not really a moral standard.
In a study into college students participation in hacking
and piracy, the researchers Skinner and Fream suggest that the students would
read stories of computer crime cases and see that the criminals received lenient
treatment from the courts and that this reading of news stories reduced the
deterrence affect of the law against hacking.11
Recommendations to the laws.
While the community sentence makes sense, a more serious
offense can be tried with a more punitive sentence. As well as this, if a
further offense occurs such as credit card fraud, charges for the further
offense can also be brought. Although many Canadian Criminal Code sections
prescribe both summary and indictable convictions, we should examine the phrasing
of the British Computer Misuse Act (1990) for an understanding and for clarity
on what degree of charge to bring and what elements could be used to
differentiate between serious and non-serious offenses. It seems that monetary
damages will not work in the criminal courts for hacking crimes.12 As the computer
industry is a very speculative sector of the economy, damages, too, are not
clearly understood. Also if we want a real law reflecting our social mores
we should consider more than money.
The computer ethics writer, Deborah Johnstone, states
that computer ethics problems, which hacking is one type, are solved or thought
about, by extending our existing morals and ethics.13 This would include extending
existing criminal code sections for the further offenses and using mischief
charges for non serious offenses. It will be interesting to watch the computer
crime news in the next twenty years. As yet, no computer crime case has gone
to the Supreme court. While, the legal professional was once behind in knowledge
of computers, most of these professionals are using computers these days.
The law is becoming a tool for guiding computer use behaviour. This law might
become a more complete and clear legal doctrine in the future.
End Notes
1. R.C.M.P., R.C.M.P. Web site <www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
(cited fall 2000) in computer crime section.
2. Sterling, B. The Hacker Crackdown 1992,
(electronic version) updated July 1998. <http://www.lysator.liu.se/etexts/hacker/digital1.html#1>(cited
September 18, 2003) at Chronology.
3. Clough, B., & Mungo, P.
Approaching Zero: The Extraordinary Underworld of Hackers, Phreakers, Virus
Writers, and Keyboard Criminals (New York, NY:Random House Electronic Pub,
4. Stoll, C., The Cuckoo's Egg (Toronto, ON:
Pocket Books-Simon & Schuster Inc., 1990)
5. Icove, D., Seger,
K., & VonStorch, W., Computer Crime, A Crimefighters Handbook, (
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1995) at 65.
6. Kowlaski, M., Cyber-crime: issues, data
sources, and feasibility of collecting police- reported
statistics, Cat. # 85-558-XIE, (Ottawa, ON:, Canadian Centre for Justice
Statistics, December 19, 2002) at 18.
7. Elbra, R. A., A Practical Guide to the
Computer Misuse Act 1990 (United Kingdom; Department of Trade and Industry-NCC
Blackwell; 1990) at 4.
8. Elbra, ibid. at 7.
9. State of California
v. Kevin David Mitnick (1999) Free Kevin Mitnick The Official Kevin Mitnick
Web Site, State of California v. Kevin David Mitnick March 20, 1999 <http://www.kevinmitnick.com/news-032099.html>
(Cited November 20, 2003)
10. Mendoza, M., Web Virus Writer, Senders
Rarely Jailed (SiliconValley.com, Saturday,
August 30, 2003)<http://www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/news/editorial/6657374.htm>
(Cited November 18, 2003)
11. Skinner, W. F. &
Fream, A. M., A Social Learning Theory Analysis of Computer Crime Amongst
College Students Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol.
34 No. 4, November 1997, 495-518 (Sage Publications Inc., 1997) at 500.
12. E. A. Cavazos and
Gavino M., Cyberspace and the Law: Your Rights and Duties in the On-Line
World (Cambridge, Mass.; MIT Press, 1994) at 86.
13. Johnson, D. G., What is Computer
Ethics? In Computer Ethics, 2nd ed. 1-15. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall. In Computer Ethics ed. D. Dubrule. Paper 1 (Ottawa, ON; The Coursepack
Division-Carleton University, 2000) at 10 in original.
Cavazos, E. A. and Gavino M., Cyberspace and the Law: Your Rights and Duties
in the On-Line World (Cambridge, Mass.; MIT Press, 1994)
Chesterman, J. & Lipman A., The Electronic Pirates, DIY Crime of the
Century (London, UK: Routledge, 1988)
Clancy, R. E., A Nation On-Line, How Americans are Expanding their Use of
the Internet ( New York, NY: Novinka Books, 2002)
Clough, B., & Mungo, P. Approaching Zero: The Extraordinary Underworld
of Hackers, Phreakers, Virus Writers, and Keyboard Criminals (New York, NY:Random
House Electronic Pub, 1993)
Crume, J., Inside Internet Security, What Hackers Don't Want You To Know
(Don Mills, ON: Addison-Wesley, 2000)
Denning, D., Concerning Hackers Who Break Into Computer Systems 13th National
Computer Security Conference speech, <http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/6095/articles/denning_defense_hackers.txt>
(cited November 24th, 2000)
Elbra, R. A., A Practical Guide to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (United
Kingdom; Department of Trade and Industry-NCC Blackwell; 1990)
Godwin M., When Copying Isn't Theft: How Government Stumbled in a Hacker
Case (Originally published in _Internet_World_, Jan./Feb. 1994) <http://www.eff.org/pub/Publications/Mike_Godwin/phrack_riggs_neidorf_godwin.article>
(cited 20 October 2000)
Icove, D., Seger, K., & VonStorch, W., Computer Crime, A Crimefighters
Handbook, ( Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1995)
Johnson, D. G., What is Computer Ethics? In Computer Ethics, 2nd ed.
1-15. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. In Computer Ethics ed. D. Dubrule.
Paper 1 (Ottawa, ON; The Coursepack Division-Carleton University, 2000)
Kowlaski, M., Cyber-crime: issues, data sources, and feasibility of collecting
police-reported statistics, Cat. # 85-558-XIE, (Ottawa, ON:, Canadian Centre
for Justice Statistics, December 19, 2002)
Mendoza, M., Web Virus Writer, Senders Rarely Jailed (SiliconValley.com,
Saturday August 30, 2003)
(Cited November 18, 2003)
Mueller, M. L., Ruling the Root, Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace
(Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2002)
R.C.M.P., R.C.M.P. Web site <www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca> (cited fall 2000)
R.C.M.P., telephone conversations with High Tech crime unit and others in
the R.C.M.P., (Ottawa, ON: fall 2003)
Schwartau, W., Information warfare : chaos on the electronic superhighway
(New York, NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1994)
Skinner, W. F. & Fream, A. M., A Social Learning Theory Analysis of
Computer Crime Amongst College Students Journal of Research in Crime
and Delinquency, Vol. 34 No. 4, November 1997, 495-518 (Sage Publications
Inc., 1997)
Spafford, E.H., Are Computer Hacker Break-ins Ethical? Journal of Systems
and Software, 17(1):41–48, January 1992. Reprinted in Computers, Ethics
and Society; M. David Ermann, Mary B. Williams, and Michele S. Shauf, eds.
(Oxford University Press; 1997)
State of California v. Kevin David Mitnick (1999) Free Kevin Mitnick The
Official Kevin Mitnick Web Site, State of California v. Kevin David Mitnick
March 20, 1999 <http://www.kevinmitnick.com/news-032099.html> (Cited
November 20, 2003)
Sterling, B. The Hacker Crackdown 1992, (electronic version) updated July
1998. <http://www.lysator.liu.se/etexts/hacker/digital1.html#1>(cited
September 18, 2003)
Stoll, C., The Cuckoo's Egg (Toronto, ON: Pocket Books-Simon & Schuster
Inc., 1990)
Last Updated 04/01/09, email: <at571@ncf.ca> Copyright Peter Timusk,