Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa
Tara Players
Theatre of Ottawa
Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa

Director's comments on

Performance dates: April 24-27 and May 2-4 ,2002

Festival date: May 14 at the University of Ottawa

Patrick directs

It's lovely to be back working with Tara.

Patrick MacFadden

"Look at the match I made . . . four cows on the side of a mountain and a few acres of bog." Thus Mena Glavin on her lot in life. "I was like you once -- long ago . . . If only I could have stayed as I was then!" laments Mary Tyrone in Long Day's Journey. And behind her the shade of Antigone and Aeschylus. The fall of the House of Glavin, of the Tyrones, of the House of Atreus: the family as fate, the yoke of circumstance, la force des choses, the sacrifice of the children, the old sow that eats her farrow, the indifferent gods, the wandering chorus, the classically unsentimental J. B. Keane.

Cast | Directors Comments
