Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa

"The Plough and the Stars"

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Rehearsal Sept. 17, 2000   Rehearsal Sept. 17, 2000
Rehearsals frequently start in the basement of St. Pat's hall. It's all dependent on whether or not the previous production is using the stage for rehearsals or performance. In September, The Land of Heart's Desire was rehearsing upstairs, so Geoff White, the director of The Plough and the Stars and his cast were downstairs exploring the script.

Model of the bar set   Model of the street   Model of the room
Here you see the set designers models of the stage sets. From left to right, the Bar, the Street and the Room.

Line Run
By October 17th, the rehearsals had moved into the hall. The set was being built, and costumes were being fitted. In the background, you can see members of the crew bringing up flats while the cast does a line run.

Dress rehearsal
Finally Dress Rehearsal. Only two more nights until Opening Night. Here members of the cast in costume wait for their call. In the background, the director speaks with one of the crew.

Cast| Directors Comments | Pictures