Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa
Tara Players
Theatre of Ottawa
Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa

Director's comments on
"Happy Birthday, Dear Alice!"

Performance dates: Feb 20 - 23, and Feb 28 - Mar 2, 2002

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Doug Hyde sets up the lights
Doug Hyde sets up the lights

Dress rehearsal Dress rehearsal!
With the Director and his Assistant taking final notes in the center aisle, a dress rehearsal audience made up of crew members, friends and other Tarans watches intently.

Sarah in Makeup
Sarah in the dressing room. Our wardrobe mistress, Peggy Laverty is in the background.

Waiting in the dressing room
The director and cast wait for the curtain call.
left to right: Sarah Hearn, Kathleen Werneburg, Charlotte Stewart, and John Collins

On stage - dress rehearsal
David Parry and Charlotte Stewart

Cast | Directors Comments | Dress Rehearsal
