I was heading for the Youth Hostel in Marsden, but when I got there, it turned out to be prematurely advertised & not running yet. So I searched for a place all the way to downtown Huddersfield where I was told there was a YMCA. But they didn't have any rooms left. But they sent me across the road to a boarding house where a nice old widow took pity on me & found she had a spare bed. But I'd have to use my sleeping bag because she wasn't really prepared for another person & didn't have any clean linen. Anyway, she said she'd only charge 50 P & she directed me to a little restaurant where I got a huge roast beef & Yorkshire pudding dinner for 63 P. So this is my cheapest night yet (not counting relatives.) I hope I can send some flowers to Auntie Pat tomorrow & get the spoke fixed.
I'll mail this tomorrow before I head for Earby Youth Hostel & if the spoke doesn't take too long, I should make it easily (fingers crossed). This is the third film I've sent, isn't it? I've almost finished the fourth & have one more. It looks like I'll have to buy some here.
Love to both of you
& Cindy & Zephyr send theirs to Toby.
