The exterior [of Peterboroough cathedral] is in the process of being washed & restored (as usual) but the part they've done is magnificent. (I'm running out of superlatives again.) After that, I went searching for the Longthorpe Tower ("open to view" again) but although I found Longthorpe I couldn't see any tower. I had supper (lamb chop) in a Chinese restaurant because it seemed to be the only place in town that was open. Even so, I was their only customer! I also bought a road atlas (3 miles/inch) of England in book form to save buying lots of quite expensive ordnance survey maps. I spent most of the evening planning & plotting my travels & I may send you my first map after all. Tomorrow I'm heading for the hostel in Grantham & there seem to be two or three places of interest there. If I make as good speed as I did today, I should have plenty of time to look around in the afternoon. I just hope the weather holds. Good night.
