Escape From Love 4

Jim Larwill

Canadian Shield Chapbooks II.


The first step towards
escape from love
is to find hate
hiding in shadow of your heart
dark spot you can't quite see
but you know is there
foil of cold black ice
sputtering plate that keeps
hot muscle flesh
from bursting into flames.

The second step
is to let doubt drip
a droplet at a time
on the glass edge
of your small soul
let January frost
gloss across the surface.

The third step
is to blame the fog
on your beloved
to take the tears
to drink them
to use them
as your own.
Text Box: The forth step
is to proclaim
re-plan your life
with a straight edge cue
from birth to death.

The fifth step
is to read a lot of books
to find religion

The sixth step
is to realise
poetry of your bodies
was merely lust.

The seventh step
is to take
your left index finger
and to slam the door.

Text Box: The eighth step
is to crawl back on your belly
only to become angry
when you discover
your knees have been ruined.

The ninth step
is to request help
from friends,
show them your tears
your left index finger
your knees,
take the advice
as if it was objective.

The tenth step towards
escape from love
is this poem.

Text Box: Jim Larwill is a figment of many people’s imaginations.  It has been rumoured he is an unemployed middle-aged male. In the past he has been seen peering out of the dingy windows of Ottawa attics.  It has also been reported he writes poetry. Recent sightings of this shadowy figure have been documented in the vicinity of a cabin situated in the Gatineau hills.  Here Larwill has been seen wandering the woods reciting rhythmic sermons to trees and rocks.  Motivated by raw lust and self-loathing Jim Larwill has become a wraith like cliché of himself.  As Todd Swift says, his “haunting voice seems to explode … from the broken hearts underclass”  (Poetry Spoken Here).  He is bitter.  He is cynical.  He does not use poetry for good.  Jim Larwill is; a contemptible hierarchal stereotype; a slap in the face of romantic idealism; a ridiculous symbol that has lost privilege in society.  Jim is a pornographic image that has no humanity.  He does not exist; however, audiences at poetry performances have been known to evoke the on-stage vision and echo of Jim Larwill.

Text Box: PRISON

Inside/outside breaks down and you are a fool lost in the light of her desperate beauty.  Morality was a prison with wide bars.  Now I am a prisoner of cliché.  Each day there is less air to breath in this windowless iron house and my ears are pricked for the final execution of her voice.  In pitched silence I grab on to every moment; she is the last morsel of food on the blind plate of the condemned.  And she knows my cell is a trap.  Time!  Tell her something about time?  How it is all over.  A few moments with nothing left to accomplish - only an escape called love?  But I am a fool and like a child that has had too much chocolate my stomach twists, hands tremble; yet, still I want more . . . until I vomit thoughts of her.  Desperate I re eat each memory over and over. Greedy fingers burn with soak of bile.  Deep in my chest I hear distant sound of crumpling paper.