Maurice Vellacott, MP


In the wake of Morgentaler’s death, MP Vellacott laments the harm that Morgentaler has done to women


For Immediate Release                                                                May 30, 2013


OTTAWA – Canada’s leading abortion activist, Henry Morgentaler, whose activism and civil disobedience introduced Canada to abortion on demand, died Wednesday. In the wake of his death, Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott (Saskatoon-Wanuskewin) reviews the harm that abortion has inflicted on countless thousands of Canadian women.


Physical complications of abortion include breast cancer, cervical lacerations and injury, uterine perforations, bleeding, hemorrhage, serious infection, pain, and incomplete abortion. Risks of complications increase with gestational age and are dependent upon the abortion procedure. Long-term physical consequences of abortion include future preterm birth and placenta previa (improper implantation of the placenta) in future pregnancies. Premature delivery is associated with higher rates of cerebral palsy, as well as respiratory, brain, and bowel abnormalities. Pregnancies complicated by placenta previa result in high rates of preterm birth, low birth weight, perinatal death, and maternal morbidity.


Psychological harms linked to abortion include increased risks of major depression, anxiety disorder, suicidal behaviors and suicide, and substance abuse and dependence. Induced abortion has also been linked to increased risks for mood disorders enough to provoke attempts at self harm, as well as depression, anxiety, anger, flashbacks, guilt, grief, denial and relationship problems. The effects of induced abortion in adolescents include more frequent problems sleeping, more frequent marijuana use and an increased need for psychological counseling, when compared to adolescents who give birth.


The pregnant women who get assaulted by their boyfriends, lovers and husbands because they refuse to get an abortion are among the often silent victims of Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime. These women have been harmed immeasurably by Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime.


Victims of sexual assault who are dragged to abortion mills by their abusers or pimps when pregnant cannot count on abortion providers to report these cases of suspected sexual assault. Many of these victims of sexual assault are minors. These women have been harmed immeasurably by Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime.


In Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime, many women are forced/coerced into having an abortion <>. Sixty-four percent of women in one study admitted to being pressured to abort <>. This coercion can come from lovers, husbands, parents, employers and others. These female victims of intimidation did not exercise freedom of choice. These women have been harmed immeasurably by Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime.


In Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime, there are no laws guaranteeing Canadian women fully informed consent <> prior to an abortion procedure, which is a violation of fundamental human rights. And vested interests continue to resist recommendations to provide wider access to ultrasound services for women considering an abortion. These women have been harmed immeasurably by Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime.


In Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime, there are no laws to ban eugenic abortions - killing disabled babies or girls simply because of their sex <>. These women have been harmed immeasurably by Morgentaler’s unrestricted abortion regime.


Considering the huge number of victims of abortion in Canada, Vellacott commends the many such courageous women today who are coming out of their grieving to speak publicly about the harms that they have experienced from abortion, the harms that abortionists like Morgentaler have done to them.


“I want to recommend organizations such as Silent No More Awareness Campaign Canada <>, Canada Silent No More <>, the deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research <> and the Elliott Institute <> to those who want to better understand this issue and the severe harms caused to Canadian women by Canada’s unrestricted abortion regime,” said Vellacott.



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