SNOW REMOVAL ====== Dig We Do --------- 613-277-8299 digwedo(at) * Snow removal * Lawn care * Landscaping * Irrigation * Excavation The Gardener ------------ 613-592-2990 ottawawest(at)hirethe * Season flat rate * 24/7 service * Reliable and fully insured * Residential and commercial Killarney Gardens Landscape and Design -------------------------------------- Call Mike: 613-857-8711 prest595(at) * A leader in commercial and residential snow removal * Commitment to excellence since 1988 * Located in Kanata * Bonded and insured Speedy Snowblowing --------------- 613-618-8255, or 613-867-6998 (Chinese) * Kanata owned and operated * Owner has 35 years transit and logistics experience * Specialized equipment for superior results