Your own personal business university

by Tony Copple

For anyone involved in sales or needing to understand how to improve their chances of business success, there are many resources available that can be studied in your own time and make a tremendous difference.

Such subjects do not go out of date or out of style. They have been relevant since Biblical times.

The collection below was donated by various members of the Investors Group Ottawa-Kanata office, wishing that others might benefit from them. They are all in as-new condition.

You may borrow these resources for up to a year. All I ask is a $15 donation in cash or non-perishable food value to the Kanata Food Cupboard. This offer is limited to people living in the Ottawa area willing to collect the resourse personally.

Contact me at 613-591-3903 or by e-mail if you want to know more.

TITLE	                           PRESENTER	    SUBJECT MATTER			        FORMAT	        PUBLISHER	 
Hardball	                   Robert L. Shook  High pressure selling techniques that work  Audio cassettes	Nightingale Conant	
Academy of Master Closing	   Tom Hopkins	    Sales training			        Audio cassettes	Tom Hopkins Intl. (1992)
Professional Selling From A to Z   Tom Hopkins	    How to be a professional salesperson	Audio cassettes	Tom Hopkins Intl. (1985)
The Winning Edge	           Various	    Six steps to sharpening your selling skills VHS videos	American Express Canada	(1987)
Advanced Selling Techniques	   Brian Tracy	    A resource for the seasoned sales pro	Audio cassettes	Nightingale Conant	
Sales Magic	                   Kerry L. Johnson The New Technology of Power Selling	        Audio cassettes	Nightingale Conant	
Michael Gerber seminar		   Michael Gerber   The E-Myth				        Audio cassettes	
Unlimited Power	                   Anthony Robbins  Breakthrough self-imposed limitations	Audio cassettes	Nightingale Conant (1986)
The Psychology of Achievement	   Brian Tracy	    Develop the top achiever's mindset	        Audio cassettes	Nightingale Conant	
Lead The Field	                   Earl Nightingale Guidelines for success principles	        Audio cassettes	Nightingale Conant	
The broad concept		   $1M Round Table 1979  Selling life insurance		        CD
Raising Children for Success				 	
Raising Positive Kids	           Zig Ziglar	    Discover the masterpiece behind the mess    Audio cassettes	Zig Ziglar Corp	(1985)

Grammar for business professionals Patricia Cramer Guidelines for mistake-free communications   Audio cassettes	CareerTrack Publications (1988)
Word Power			   A. Rae Price	   Vocabulary builder				Audio cassettes CareerTrack Publications (1988) 		

Current Affairs
The world is flat		   Thomas L Friedman A brief history of the 21st century	CD 

Financial Planning