
Diet book authors

A Mr Farnworth (letters to the Ottawa Citizen, March 10) was concerned about diet books written by non-professionals. I was motivated to respond with the following (I'm not sure whether it was published.)

Perhaps non-professionals feel compelled to publish [diet books] because many dietitians seem steeped in the ideas of decades ago when they were trained. Someone should be informing the public about the significant discoveries of the last ten years, some of which have reversed the previous assumptions.

As a non-professional wellness enthusiast I had almost given up hope of ever hearing good sense on nutrition from most doctors or dietitians. The best I could elicit from my doctor in the past on the subject of vitamins was that they probably wouldn't do me harm. Dietitians still seem to push the impractical ideal of a balanced diet of three good meals a day based on Canada's food guide. I have never met anyone who follows this, and even if they did the nutrient content of non-organically grown foods today is highly questionable.

The only answer, and the one which in years to come will be shown to have worked, is the consistent use of targetted nutritional supplements including chelated minerals. Interestingly, on a visit to my doctor yesterday, he recommended to me the use of calcium and magnesium supplements. A turn around at last! He appears to have shed his previous attitude! Until dietitians follow suit I'd far rather take my medical advice form the pages of "Health Naturally" (which publishes the medics and dietitians who know what they are talking about) and non-professionals, who have taken the trouble to find out where nutrition is at today. - Tony Copple, Ottawa