We did a look around the Internet and found quite a few people that did not like the blue puck. Here are some comments:
black puck...white surface...'nuf said
calvin kruk
dawson creek, b.c. canada
I agree...abolish the glow puck...for those who know the game and can follow it, the glow
puck is a distraction when viewing on the tv....If people can't see it it is because they
cannot follow the game...learn it and love it...and abolish the glow puck....
Melissa Pia
I agree...abolish the glow puck...for those who know the game and can follow it, the glow
puck is a distraction when viewing on the tv....If people can't see it it is because they
cannot follow the game...learn it and love it...and abolish the glow puck....
Melissa Pia
I have attached a printout from the web-site of the company that created the FoxTrax puck tracking system. They want to keep it a secret how it works, but I can tell you that if you were watching the game are the arena you would see a normal puck. It's only by using a TV that they can add the colour to the puck.
Answer #% % filename IO.DOT page% % page 1 of% % numpages 1 % % date \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"June 18, 1998
€How do they make the puck that shows up as blue on TV?
Ryan Deugo, room 2, Mrs. Mastine
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