Here is a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC with some information about Ants. Ants, like most insects live all over the world. There are more ants than any other insect and they have been around for over 100 million years. They are related to the wasp.
When you ask "where do they come from", well, 100 million years ago they came from a wasp that lost it's wings.
Perhaps you are asking where do they come from when you see one in your house or outside. Here in Canada, most ants live in the ground and if you find them in your house, they have probably got lost or have found a way into your house to get something to eat.
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Answer #% % filename A234.DOC page% % page 1 of% % numpages 1 % % date \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"February 8, 1998
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