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What is in the centre of the sun

Whatever it is it must be pretty hot. We asked our roving scientist Richard F., to get us this information.

The centre of the Sun is very very hot (I knew it), dense gases mostly hydrogen and helium. Scientists have calculated that the temperature at the centre of the Sun is about

15,000,000ºC (that's fifteen million degrees Celsius)

That's really hot. Because of the weight of all that gas above it, the gas is quite dense or heavy too. It weighs about 100 times as much as the same volume of water does.

We also searched the InterNet for some information about the Sun and came across the script for a "Newton's Apple" show. That's a science program that plays on PBS. We've attached it to your answer.

Answer #% % filename Document6 page% % page 1 of% % numpages 1 % % date \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"March 17, 1995

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