Parmatma Leviton, Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer, artist, healer

Early studies in pottery and crafts helped enhance Parmatma’s first job at her grandmother’s doll museum on P.E.I., not knowing then that it would spark a lifelong interest in art, design, color, and sculpture.

Teaching children in Africa (spent 19 months living in a mud hut), raising three children, or studying many modalities of bodywork and yoga, Parmatma always found ways to keep her art bubbling on the back burner. This meant doing projects in the schools, making clothes and costumes, teaching creative projects at folk festivals, yoga centers and retreats, and whether she knew it or not it was all wordlessly developing her natural talents and letting life be the teacher. Finding the connection and the balance between real life, family life, self-realization and her art has been a priority for over thirty years.

This has now led to a large body of expressionist work: large seven-foot oil paintings, charcoals, dry pastel, acrylics, divination cards and now hand-sculpted bas-relief paintings. Her art mentor recently commented that her experience as a professional figure skater, shiatsu therapist and yoga teacher shows up in her work as love of the language of the body.