Santanoni and Panther
Nov 2, 2013
Friday, afer work, twelve of us drove down to the Cloudsplitter Outfitters for the 6th annual
November ACC hiking weekend. There was a bit of confusion around our reservation, but all was
fixed and well in the end. As people trickled in over the evening, we had a couple of beers, got
the paperwork out of the way, and then hit the sack. At 06:00 the next morning the cars were
loaded for the short drive to the trailhead. We had two groups organized; Patrick (leader),
Lynne, Susan, Rob, Dave, Andy, and Claudia were going to hike Couchsachraga via Panther Brook,
while myself (leader), Katja, Wendy, Alena, and Ivan were climbing Santanoni via the express
trail. We all set out together under headlamp, following on the heels of three women who sped
ahead. By the time we reached the blue trail, the day had brightenned up so the headlamps went
off and we made our way down to the first river crossing. The bridge was out, and due to the
rain over the past week, the river was high and swift. It took some time to find a safe
crossing, but I finally located a fallen tree which spanned the banks. This made a convenient
handrail has you hopped across the torrent, and after some delay, we managed to get all twelve
of us across. The second crossing had a bridge but the platform to get off on the far side was
destroyed, making it a bit of a tricky scramble to get onto the bank at the other side. After
we all carefully made it safely across, a sign here was discovered that warned us that the bridge
was broken and dangerous... no kidding! Now we started climbing, and after a quick break at a
nice spot along Santanoni Brook, we found the cairn marking the start of the express trail. Here
we split up the two groups. This was my first time up the express route, and it turned out to
be quite a nice little climb. Started out with yet another river crossing, which was not too
difficult, and then a lovely trail that went up the ridgeline of Santanoni's shoulder. We came
across one of the three women, and I did a bit of a double take as her face was covered in blood.
She assured me that it was not serious, as she had just cut her finger and just finished wiping
it on her nose. I lent her my compass mirror so she could clean her face and fetched a bandage
from the first aid kit to patch her up. She sped off to rejoin her
friends and we continued our climb
slowly up the mountain. We got a few views on the ridge, but then the clouds closed in and that
was the end of the Adirondack vistas for the day. We hit the summit, meeting the trio again up
here, and after a brief break descended down to Times Square where we took a longer break in this
sheltered spot. We also met the trio again and said goodbye for the last time as they turned off
towards Couchie. The side trip to Panther took very little time, but lots of mud ensued. Even
at the top, after the nice rocky scrambly area, there was one last giant mudhole to cross to
reach the summit, which was about one meter higher than the nice open area. We did not stay long
as it had now started to spit a wet, snowy, ice pellety annoyance on us, while the hot showers
and cold beers began calling our names. Took one final break at Bradley Pond and then down the
blue trail to the broken bridge. Here we did a little maintenance by removing some of the broken
boards that were in the way of the scramble. This made getting onto (and off of) the bridge much
easier and safer. At the last crossing, the water was now higher, but we found an easier spot
to ford a little bit downstream of our morning crossing, which was just a rock hop with one "boot
in the water" tricky crux manouver. A quick bushwhack brought us back to the trail, and then a
short slog along the road back to the parking area. Alena was feeling spry and jogged on ahead
the whole way. With relief we got into the car and out of the rain which was now soaking us
through. after the 10.5 hour day. Drove back to the cabins, cleaned up and had a big potluck
supper with the whole gang once they got back. The Couchie crew had a successful day as well.
First bridge. A step into nothingness.

Second bridge. A bit of a disaster.

David, not sure what to make of the road to the Couch at this point.

In case you had not figured it out on the way in, the sign on the way back reminds you
of this fact.

Claudia on Santanoni Brook.

Climbing up the express trail.

Scrambling near the summit.

Team Santanoni, success!

Wendy and Ivan scrambling the last bit of Panther.

Summit of Panther.

The best view of the day.
