Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge Traverse
June 5, 2010
Got up at 05:00 after a somewhat fitful sleep during a very rainy night spent in the roof of a camper van. It was still
raining as I prepared my breakfast in the Keene Farm coooking shelter, but as others in the group arrived, the rain
slowed, and by the time all thirteen of us were ready, it had stopped entirely. This was an ACC trip with two groups
planning to traverse the Rocky Ridge in opposite directions, which allowed us to simply exchange cars rather than
shuttle. I was leading the West-East route with seven people in my group. We hit the trail at Roaring Brook falls and
immediately began climbing. The cloud ceiling was at about 4000 feet, so as we ascended we had a few good views even
though the day was gray. The trail was very good with a dirt base which was easy on the feet. As we got higher, there
were a few small scrambles over slab rocks. In relatively short order, we found ourselves on the summit of Giant
Mountain, where there would have been a great lookout if we had not been completely fogged in. We had a short break and
then head back down the trail and over to Rocky Peak, which did not take too long. Again we were fogged in, so we used
the monster cairn at the top here as the backdrop for the summit photos. As two of the high peaks, these were fairly
easily won as we had only been hiking for about four hours at this point. Since the next few kilometers were along the
Rocky Ridge, we were disappointed that we would not have any views, but once we decended below the cloud cover we were
rewarded the rest of the way with views off of both sides of the ridge. At Mary Louise pond, we met the other group.
After a brief chat we quickly continued as the black flies around this swampy area were quite bad. The next couple of
peaks along the ridge were clear so we lounged out on them as long as we could stand the black flies. The sun even
started to shine and burned off some of the cloud cover. The descent was fairly easy with a good trail with one steep
part that had to be down climbed. We spent more time lounging
on Bald Peak (3000') and then Blueberry Cobbles (2000') as the day
had turned into a nice sunny one. The last few kilometers were fairly hot and most people had run out of water. We
did not bother to refill at a stream crossing however, as it was not far from the end of our nine hour day. Went back
to Keene to the Tip-a-Canoe and sat on the patio for the rest of the afternoon, drinking beers to our success. Over the
next hour or so, the other group arrived and we had a very tasty supper.
Wendy, always finding cute critters.

Views on the ascent.

David, Janet, and Jadwiga.

Janet looks like she is enjoying her first ADK hike.

Not sure if the technicallity of this slab will prepare Walt for his Killimanjaro trip.

More slab scrambling during the final summit push for Giant.

Jadwiga and I on the summit of Giant. Check out the fabulous view behind us!

Resting on the Giant summit.

Coming down Giant.

A brief view of Rocky Peak through an opening in the clouds.

Entire team on top of Rocky Peak. Back row: Walt, Wendy, Janet, Sean, David. Front Row: Jadwiga, Mike

Janet smiling and taking pictures on the ridge once we get below the clouds.

Mary Louise pond.

Lonely outcrop along the ridge.

Big mossy erratics along the trail off the ridge.

Bald Peak.

Another giant erratic along the edge of Bald Peak.

View from the summit of Blueberry Cobbles.

Last bit of trail towards the parking area.

