Nippletop and Dial
Nov 6, 2010
Our group of twelve ACC members met down at the Keene Valley Hostel on Friday evening. We had rented the entire
bunkhouse to ourselves which turns out is a great place to stay for a large group like this. After a couple beers we
went to bed. Alarms went off at 05:30 and we all got up and ate a quick breakfast. Began hiking in Lake Road at 07:00
in the dark but the sun rose as we made our way across the golf course. We signed in at the gate as two groups and
made our way up the road towards Lower Ausable Lake. The day was perfect. Slightly below freezing temperatures but
perfectly clear skies. This was contrary to the forecast received on Friday which
called for clouds and chance of rain or snow. At
the Dial junction we divided into two groups. Ivan led a group of five up Dial including Sylvie, Lindsay, Pat, Curtis,
and himself, while I took the others; Wendy, Karen, Debbie, Walt, David, and Josie in the other direction. After about
an hour and a half we reached the final trail junction before the lake. After a quick snack break we began the climb
of Indian Head. At around 2000 feet we hit the snow line. It was nice crusty snow though so gave plenty of traction
in bare boots. We arrived at Fish Hawk cliffs which gave a spectacular view of Sawteet, Gothics, and Colvin Mountains
and the deep gorge filled by Ausable Lake. As we did not have crampons on at this point we stayed well back from the
cliff edge as the rocks were encrusted in a thin layer of ice. Another quick break and we were back on the trail
climbing up Gill Brook. At 3000 feet the snow and ice was sufficient enough to warant better traction so we donned
our crampons. We were breaking trail through the snow for the next little while and then, on the banks of a frozen
pond system, found a couple of hats and a bag of weird items lying in the middle of the trail. The trail was also
well beaten down leading to these items. We shrugged and continued on and then met a couple people camping a little
further down the trail that claimed the items were theirs. Shrugging our shoulders still we continued on, once again
trail up the west slope of Nippletop. The going got steep, requiring some easy scrambles over icy and snow rocks. At
long last we gained the ridge and saw the object of this mountain's namesake and the butt of most of the weekend's
jokes. We quickly hiked over and climbed to the top of the nipple at about the five hour mark. The view was
spectacular. I radioed Ivan who was about 15 minutes away, so after a paparazzi of photos we settled down to lunch in
the sunshine. As we were finishing up, Ivan and crew arrived and we celebrated. We packed up and left the summit to
them to make our way to Dial. The walk here was easy as the ridge slope was fairly gentle. I was in full crampons so
had to walk carefully. Most of the others had mini crampons, and after this weekend I plan to get myself a pair. The
summit of Dial was easily won, and we were treated to another great view. A short break this time and then we began
the descent. On the shoulder of Noonmark we encountered the new forest arising from the ashes of a forest fire a few
years back. This provided for an abrupt scenery change which was actually quite beautiful. Here we also doffed our
crampons, as from this point on the snow and ice was thinning with our elevation drop. The rest of the descent was a
nice walk through the woods and the group got spread out a bit as the exhaustion was setting in. We kept fairly well
together though, and finally reached Lake Road where we re-grouped. I tried to get Ivan on the radio, but got no
response so we simply headed out ourselves. At the golf course we saw about twenty deer grazing in the fields and
also met a nice couple who were returning from a hike up Indian Head. Just over ten hours we got back to the parking
lot and then drove back to the hostel, cleaned up, and
went out to the Baxter Mountain Tavern for supper. As darkness fell we began to worry about Ivan's group, but just
as our appetizers were served they arrived too so we could relax. Had a great meal and lots of laughter, followed by
a good party in the hostel afterwards with lots of beer and good friends.
Starting the hike in the dark.

Team Dial: Patrick, Curtis, Sylvie, Lindsay, Ivan

Team Nippletop: David, Wendy, Josie, Karen, Mike, Debbie, Walt

Creek along Lake road.

Fish Hawk Cliffs.

Lower Ausable Lake.

Frozen pond in Elk Pass.

Ascending Nippletop.

The reason for Nippletop name.

Debbie and I on Nippletop summit.

Both teams re-united on Nippletop summit.

The view from Nippletop summit.

Arriving at Dial summit.

David and I on Dial summit.

The view from Dial summit.

Looking back at Nippletop.

Impromptu summit yoga.

Descending off Dial, back towards Lake Road.
