Mount Marcy
July 12, 2008
Marcy is the highest peak in the Adirondacks. Led by Darrel Newman, a group of seven of us from the ACC Ottawa section
set out for an eleven hour hike from Heart Lake. The trail was fairly easy, with a couple mild scrambles near the
summit. Upon summitting this mountain after a five hour climb, I was hooked... and decided I was going to do all 46
peaks of the Adirondacks. A beautiful day, warm but not hot. Katharina and I even managed to get in a swim on our
Most of the trail was fairly rocky, but easy going.

Yours truly and our fearless leader at one of the bridges crossing a creek.

The first view of Marcy's peak through the trees after several hours on the go.

Light scrambling up the final ascent.

Alpine vegetation.

You were supposed to carry a rock from the bottom and leave it in a pile at the top. They were to be used for trail
maintenance and making barriers around some of the fragile flowers in the alpine environment. We did not take any
rocks... the hike was strenuous enough weighted down with water and gear for the day.

Katharina and I standing just below the summit.

View from the summit.

Our swimming pool on the descent.
