Lower Wolf Jaw
September 15, 2013
Pat, Na, and Janet wanted to get home early, so they sped out in the morning. We said goodbye and arranged for them
to move Dianne's car down to the Rooster Comb parking lot for us so we could hike out the long route. Katja, Dianne,
and I packed up and started hiking into a cool but beautiful day. My pack was fairly heavy as there were still four
cans of beer that did not get consumed over the past couple of nights. We slowly climbed up the Wolf Jaw Notch. We met
a couple of guys that were camping on one of the slides, and then when we got to the notch, we met a friendly woman who
had hiked up from St. Huberts. She was planning to hike both the jaws of the wolf, Armstrong, and Gothics. As she
sped off on upwards, we plodded along here hoisting ourselves up the short easy scramble ledges. Finally we arrived on
the summit and met our new friend up here. We spent a while lazing around, enjoying the view of Big Slide, and drinking
a couple of the beers to unload my pack. I offered the woman a beer and she accepted one for later to enjoy on the
summit of Gothics at the end of her day. There was one beer left, so I decided to give back for the beers that I have
previously found along the way. We carefully placed it on the
exact summit, assuming that someone will enjoy it before the day
is over. The way down had a short bit of exciting trail where it had washed away to steep bare rock slabs, but
otherwise was just a long walk. We met three guys hiking up who were just starting on a six day backpacking trip and
figured that one of them probably would enjoy the summit Guiness if they got up there before anyone else. After a while
we reached the Rooster Comb junction and took a break. Dianne and I decided to drop our packs and run up this to get
the view, while Katja continued on downwards. On our way down and the last few miles, we began to run into many other
people, all heading to Rooster Comb. We caught up to Katja about half way back, and in a short amount of time, reached
the parking lot, completing a six hour hike. A little longer than just hiking out along Johns Brook, but a much more
interesting route.
Some guys camping on the slide.

Ascending Lower Wolf Jaw.

Summit of Lower Wolf Jaw.

A lazy day of peak bagging.

The beer fairy pays a visit.

Summit of Hedgehog.

Checking out the views from Rooster Comb summit.
