Dix and Hough
Apr 27, 2013
Debbie, Patrick, and I drove down to Keene Farm yesterday evening and spent a quiet night with only a few other hikers
in the cabin. Awoke at 05:00, had our breakfast and got to the trailhead at Round Pond for 06:30. We hiked quickly
along the frozen bare ground with small patches of snow and ice here and there. At about 2500 feet we put on spikes for
traction along the snow spine. The day was partly cloudy and warming as we went so we stopped a few times to shed
layers and have a bite to eat. After quite a while on the trail we arrived at the base of the Dix slide. It was still
covered in ice and snow but easily ascended to the trail cut-off. The sun shining on the rock caused several small
ice avalanches which whoosed down the stream in the middle as we were climbing. Once back in the woods, the trail got
very steep and the snow also started to get very deep. It was supportive though so we remained in spikes and kick
stepped all the way to the summit, arriving on the top of Dix at about 11:00. Had a quick lunch and enjoyed the
fantastic views, but did not stay too long as the breeze was chilly and there was still a long way to go today. Climbed
up the Beckhorn and dropped down to the herd path to Hough where we started following some faint tracks. Lost the trail
at one point and then I fell through the snow up to my waist. As I tried to extricate myself, I punched through another
layer and was now up to my neck. As I still had not hit bottom, Pat and Deb helped pull me out, and then I switched to
snowshoes. Descended all the way down to the col without any more difficulty and began the climb up Hough. Lost the
trail a few times on the way up here, but just kept going in the general direction of up, finally finding ourselves on
the summit. There was less wind here, plus it was a lot warmer in the day now so we spent a little more time here
having second lunch. Nevertheless, we were only half way done as we still had to get back in time for beer so we did
not dawdle too long. The way back to Dix took less time since we did not have to do any route finding, even though the
elevation gain was significantly higher. It was a relief to finally break above the tree line and out of the scratchy
branches onto the Beckhorn again though. Another short break up here, then out of the snowshoes for a rapid heel
plunging descent down to Dix slide. The water was now rushing in a wide sheet over the rock in the center, so I walked
straight down in the middle of it, the spikes keeping my boots just above the flow. Now we just had a long and flat
walk ahead of us. The going was difficult as the patchy snow was no longer supportive, meaning your boot kept breaking
through when you least expected it. There was not enough snow here to use snowshoes as there were long stretches of
rocks and bare ground. Ditched the spikes and just bare booted it the rest of the way taking careful steps over any of
the icy patches. Stopped for another couple of breaks, finally getting back to Round Pond after a twelve hour day. The
beers at the Baxter Mountain Tavern never tasted so good.
Taking a break along the trail. Does not look like a day for snowshoes.

Nope, should not need the snowshoes today.

A little bit of snow here.

Crossing the North Fork Boquet river.

Hmmm... snow is getting deeper.

Dix slide, somewhat icy.

Icicle chandelier!

Kick stepping up the steep trail towards Dix summit.

Pat and I on Dix summit.

The Beckhorn.

Snow still as firm as concrete.

Ooops. Fell in a spruce trap on the way to Hough. Maybe I should put my snowshoes on now!

The gang on top of Hough.

Looking back at the Becky from Hough.

Slide running with water in the afternoon sunshine.

Round Pond at the end of the day.
