Dix Range
August 24, 2024
Dix range in a day has been on my radar for quite a few years. Alin posted a trip on the ACC calendar for this hike
and while I was very tempted, a very busy time at work meant I would be pushing it to get down there. Paul also needed
the lower range for his 46, was also in a crunch time at work, but we got talking and decided that maybe we could
squeeze it out if we left late on Friday, skipped our usual supper stop in Tupper Lake, and were good to hike on a few
hours of sleep. Game on!
Work for both of us went a little more smoothly than expected, and we actually managed to roll out of Ottawa about
16:30, arriving down at Keene Farm just before 21:00. Even had time for
a couple beers around the fire with Alin and met our fourth hiking companion Geoff, a young and very fit fellow. We
hit our tents and agreed to meet up in the parking lot for 05:00, ready to go.
We pulled out of the farm at exactly 05:02, drove to Elk Lake, and actually managed to squeeze in to one of the last
spaces of this tiny parking area.
We had brought a bicycle to shuttle the car back to the overflow lot, but not having to do this saved about
thirty minutes and we hit the trail at precisely 06:02. Geoff and Alin set a brutal pace into Slide Brook, up the
Macomb Slide, and we arrived on top of Macomb at 08:02... exactly three hours into our day and exactly two hours
from starting. After short break in the
sunshine to refuel and then we struck out to South Dix. We stopped here only for a couple of photos and pushed on
towards Grace.
Climbing the rubble slide

Summit of Macomb

Scrambling South Dix

Gang on South Dix

Grace is a nice walk with the exception of a few deep boggy bottomless mud holes. The summit was easily attained
and we sat down by the summit rock for a leisurely 10:02 lunch break. ":02" seems to be the theme of this day. After
satiating our hunger we scooted over to the north side to check out the lookout there, and immediately regretted
taking our break at the summit, as the north view is one of those spots that you feel your heart sink deep into your
belly in awe at the view spread out before you. One of the best in the high peaks for sure.
The jaw dropping view from Grace

Back to South Dix, down and up Pough, and finally Hough. Did not check the time here but I am sure it must have been
12:02. We sat on Hough for a second lunch for a while and soaked in the views of the Great Range. Tired we were now
but the impressive looking Beckhorn beconned us on. Despite the seemingly huge distance between Hough and the horn
it actually did not take too long, and each viewpoint along the ridge showed an even more impressive view of our goal.
As we climbed the final stretch we came to a cruxy spot where a large group of youth were coming down. We waited a
while as they negotiated this awkward scramble, but it was good to see some children out having fun in the mountains.
Gravity not being on our side here meant some grunting and less than graceful squirming to get up this challenge, but
we all made it and shortly after were sitting on top of Becky for lunch number three.
Import text messages on the way to Hough

The crux of the Beckhorn climb

Approaching the top of Becky

Our trail back was here, and it was very tempting to call it a day and just start downwards, but to make it real we
reluctantly scooted over the ridge to the top of Dix, and gain that extra fifty or so centimeters of elevation
to claim the prize. Five peaks in the bag! Now we just need to get home.
Summit of Dix

Exhaustion and soreness was the theme for the next couple hours, but the steep descent of the Beckhorn trail was
appreciated as
the altimeter steadily clicked off the meters. The roar of Lillian brook was a very welcome sound as we all had
run out of water, so we stopped for a while here to remedy that situation and rest our tired bodies some more in this
pretty spot. Slide Brook was too tempting to resist another rest and fritter, followed by a determined scamper
back to the parking lot, where we signed out at 17:32, ending an exactly eleven and a half hour of hike.
Alin somehow drove home after this adventure, Geoff, Paul, and I had supper followed by a few beers and a very
welcome sleep. A lovely relaxing morning was spent climbing Chappel Pond slab with Paul,
(as we were lapped by a free
solo guy no less than eight times!) which completed a fantastic weekend. I dread what awaits me Monday morning at the