Dix Range - Day 3
October 13, 2008
I woke up at dawn and read my book as it got lighter. Rob got up and we ate breakfast and then started hiking as the sun broke
through the cloud cover. We followed the faint trail down the creek until we got to the campsite that we were aiming for
yesterday (turns out the map was correct, I had taken a faulty bearing with the compass due to lack of a clear view in the
Then the trail disappeared. We bush whacked for the next kilometer or so until I saw a great big rock sticking
out of the ground. I thought to myself... if I was building a trial, I would put it right beside that rock. Sure enough, there
was a faint trail. We now moved fast as the way was pretty clear and just a gentle slope downwards. A few tricky stream
crossings and then we reached the highway. Right before we got out we encountered a particularily vicious snake in the middle
of the trail. We could not identify it and it would not give way, even to the point of lunging at Rob while he was taking a
photo. We took a wide berth around in the woods. We then walked along the highway for 3 km to get back to the car. This was
the scariest part of the trip as traffic was heavy, fast, and the road narrow. We reached the car and then drove home.

Worlds biggest cairn.

Vicious snake.
