Blake via the Lake
July 8, 2017
This is a hike I have wanted to do for a long time. This one I had to choose my partners carefully, as it is fairly
difficult, but with Katharina out of town for a couple weeks, I decided to avoid the partner selection and instead
chose to go the solo route. I camped at the
farm, falling asleep just after 21:00, so was up at first light around 04:30. A quick breakfast and a short drive later
brought me to the trailhead and I found myself strolling down golf course alley at 05:45. I was the first to sign in at
the gate, where a young fellow waved from the window of the guardhouse.
Lake road went quickly under blue skies. At the
lake I stopped for a brief visit to Rainbow Falls, which is more spectacular than I remember it being. I began climbing
Sawteeth up the Weld trail, and the blue sky turned to black, which then turned into a downpour Even though I was
pretty warm, I decided to throw on my rain jacket to keep the worst of it off. Fortunately the rain stopped after
twenty minutes or so and the sun came out again. This was a constant theme I experienced all day. I reached the summit
and was rewarded with some dramatic views of the weather patterns scattered across the Great Range. I sat down for
a sandwich and remained just long enough for the next burst of rain to begin. The descent down towards the Warden's
camp on Upper Ausable Lake was lovely as this trail sees very little use. A couple spots were slippery mud though and I
took a few inglorious spills as I decended the steep trail. Nevertheless, most of the way was a scamper and in almost
no time I had reached the Warden's camp. The carry trail was an absolutely beautiful walk along the river, which after
crossing on a well constructd bridge brought me to the Elevator Shaft. I have wanted ot climb this trail since I first
heard the name... and it lived up to its name. My pace slowed, as I was now feeling the effects of already climbing
and decending one 4000er today, plus the 400 km I had put on the bike this week was being felt as a deep ache in my leg
muscles. I crawled on upwards. As I finally topped out of the shaft and approached the col, the silence of my hike
up to this point was shattered by lots of hooting, yelling,
and hollering of some party coming down Colvin. I decided to
speed up and get to Blake ahead of them. Upon reaching the summit of Blake, I pushed on to the next bump which was
labelled Lookout Rock on my map. This was well worth the trip. As I sat gazing out at the view down on the Lake far
below, eating my second sandwich of the day, I could hear the loud troup on top of Blake, far enough away that my
solitude was maintained. Another rain shower caused
me to pack up and go. Back over Blake was painful, and the climb up Colvin even more so. I passed one group of
five, heading towards Blake, the first other hikers that I had seen all day. At Colvin's lookout rock, I stopped for
another break and then clambered up to the summit. This time it was not rain that forced me to leave, but a worrisomely
close crack of thunder. I decended the Colvin step and other scrambles as quickly as I safely could, wanting to lose
some elevation from from beneath the storm. It ended up that the growl was much worse than the bite,
and soon it dissipated
into another bought of sunshine. If I was not tired before, now I was really beginning to feel the burn in my legs. I
met one fellow who had just hiked Dial and Nippletop and we chatted for a bit before I sped ahead. Nearing Fish Hawk
and Indian Head cliffs, I resisted (easily) the temptation to do these side trips. I started meeting many people who
were heading up to Indian Head, most stopping to ask for directions. Another bought of rain kieboshed my plan for a
final sandwich at one of the pretty falls along Gill brook, so I ate a granola bar as I hiked instead. I hit Lake Road
and slogged the last 4 km as quickly as my tired little legs would take me. The glorious sunshine came out again and I
dried myself out as I walked, finally digging out my last sandwich and eating it on the go as I was starving. I caught
up to a group that had hiked Blake and I figured these must have been the noisy ones.
Friendly folk they were though, and I walked and chatted with them a bit along golf course road. After a
10.5 hour day, I arrived back at the car, somewhat exhausted, but happy to have ticked this hike off of my
bucket list.
Golf course road in the early morning light.

Lower Ausable Lake.

Rainbow Falls.

A little soggy, but happy to be on top of Sawteeth.

Lovely trail descending down back into the Ausable Valley.

Me and this damsel spooked each other. At least she stuck around for her photo.

The carry trail along the Ausable river. Simply divine.

You know you are on private land when there is actually a bridge across the rivers.

And up we go...

Found the rock!

Looking down at Upper Ausable Lake from Lookout Rock.

View from Colvin's lookout rock.

Selfie with a looming thunderstorm behind me.
